Title: 基於UCT之九路電腦圍棋程式HappyGO的設計與實作
Design and Implementation of 9x9 Computer Go Program HappyGO Base on UCT
Authors: 王永樂
Wang, Yung-Le
Wu, I-Chen
Keywords: 圍棋;九路圍棋程式;蒙地卡羅;GO;UCT;HappyGO
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: UCT演算法運用在電腦圍棋程式上只需要基本圍棋知識的特性,提供有別於傳統圍棋程式的另一種程式設計與實作的方法。使用UCT演算法實作圍棋程式已成目前最主要的方法之一。在本論文中,將說明如何基於UCT演算法實作九路圍棋程式HappyGO並加入不同的圍棋策略。
Only basic Go knowledge is needed to implement computer Go program based on UCT algorithm. This feature provides another method that is different to traditional Go program to design and implement Go program. Using UCT algorithm is one of major methods to implement Go program. In this paper, we give detailed information about how to implement a Go program, HappyGO, based on the UCT algorithm added with some Go strategies.
Appears in Collections:畢業論文


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