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dc.contributor.authorLin, Chun-Fengen_US
dc.contributor.authorWang, Wen-Chiehen_US
dc.description.abstract中國的檢察制度,係以中國的政經情勢為出發點,吸收過去歷史的政治法律制度,以及借鑑前蘇聯檢察制度的基礎而發展。由於,目前中國正處於由人治社會過渡到法治社會的轉型期,而轉型的成功與否,關鍵在於司法能否真正做到獨立與公正,唯有努力深化檢察改革,逐步建立一個獨立公正與廉潔的檢察機構,才能確保嚴格的執法和裁判的公正。再者,自從20世紀的70年代以來,隨著經濟體制改革的不斷深化,經濟生活市場化程度及法制化水準的提高,在這種社會經濟條件下,原先的檢察機關的若干制度與功能,已越來越難以滿足社會變化的需求,而必須對之進行變革和調整。而近年來中國亦努力對於檢察體系提出改革措施,以期建立具有中國特色之社會主義目標。 本文研究綜合文獻分析法、比較分析法、統計分析法等研究方法,先探討檢察制度的理論背景,討論檢察制度的內涵,並詳細地分析檢察機關運作時的組職與活動原則,以及檢察機關的主要權限,以期得知中國檢察體系現行運作的梗概。由於,檢察體系有些不完備的制度,以致於在改革開放後難以達到民眾的需求,而須對於檢察體系之應有作為,提出改革之分析與討論,以利檢察體系的完善運作,並對於過去檢察體系改革情形的歷程,提出反省與思考,供作未來深化檢察改革的參考。 自從2008年7月兩岸開始大三通直航後,啟動兩岸交流的新世紀!在經濟上,雙方將會有更加緊密的往來。以往,犯罪集團利用兩岸間司法互助協議付諸闕如的空窗期,破壞正當經濟活動並造成社會治安的重大危害,所幸於2009年4月26日,我國的「財團法人海峽交流基金會」與中國的「海峽兩岸關係協會」,在南京簽署「海峽兩岸共同打擊犯罪及司法互助協議」,建立多項司法合作事宜,使得兩岸間取得正式的司法互助合作管道,得以將相關證據資料在法制化的情況下相互取用,以有效打擊不法犯罪的情事,並期能對於在兩岸間從事經貿投資、工作或觀光旅遊的人士,提供一個良善的法律保障機制。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe prosecutorial system’s development of China, which was based on China's political and economic situation, absorbing the past political and legal system, learned from the former Soviet Union. Because China is in the transition from the rule of man to the rule of law society now, the success depends on whether the judicial system is truly independent and fair. Only striving to deepen the reform of the prosecutorial system, and the establishment of independent, fair and incorruptible prosecutorial institutions gradually can we ensure the enforcement of law strictly and judicial justice fairly. Furthermore, since the 70's of the 20th century, with the deepening of economic reform, market-oriented life and the standard of the legal system, the original systems and functions of prosecutorial institutions have become more and more difficult to meet the changing needs of society, and have to be carried out on the adjustments and reforms. China has already made great efforts for the reform measures proposed for the prosecutorial system in recent years, with a view to the establishment of socialism of Chinese characteristics. The paper proceeds with the literature analysis, comparative analysis, and statistic analysis. First, discuss the theoretical background of prosecutorial system, the content of the prosecutorial system, the principles of prosecutorial institutions and operations, as well as the principal prosecutorial authority specifically, with a view to know the outline of the operation system. Due to few incomplete prosecutorial systems, the prosecutorial institutions should make reforms in order to improve the prosecutorial functions. And make a reflection of the prosecutorial reform of the past history to ensure the deepening reform in the future. Since July 2008, the beginning of direct flight from both sides of Taiwan Strait, the cross-strait has come to a new era. Thus, two sides will get alone more closely on economic matters. In the past, criminal groups used the agreement gap to undermine the legitimate economic activities and harm public order. Fortunately in April 26,2009, “Straits Exchange Foundation” and “Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits” signed the "Agreement on Joint Cross-Strait Crime-fighting and Mutual Judicial Assistance," in Nanjing. This agreement on issues related to the upholding and strengthening of the order of cross-strait exchanges, such as stopping cross-border crime, protecting the rights and interests of the people, and establishing mechanisms for judicial cooperation. This agreement will have a positive impact on promoting the continued smooth development of cross-strait economic and trade relations for those who will invest, work and tour with a good legal protection mechanisms in the future.en_US
dc.subjectProsecutorial Systemen_US
dc.subjectCriminal Supervisionen_US
dc.subjectProsecutorial Reformen_US
dc.subjectProsecutorial Independenceen_US
dc.titleThe Prosecutorial System's Development and Reform of China: A Study on Criminal Supervisionen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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