標題: 科學園區第三方物流中心之服務品質與顧客滿意度研究---以K物流公司為例
The Study on Service Quality & Customer Satisfaction of 3rd Party Logistic Distribution Center In Science Park of Taiwan ---A Case Study for K Logistic Co.
作者: 李英信
關鍵字: 科學園區第三方物流中心;服務品質;顧客滿意;3rd Party Logistic Distribution Center In Science Park;Service Quality;Customer Satisfaction
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 本研究應用Parasuraman、Zeithaml及Berry(1985)等三位學者提出服務品質模式,對國內科學園區第三方物流中心 K物流公司之服務品質與顧客滿意度進行調查,以目前與 K 物流公司業務往來之資材、物流人員(含承辦人員或主管)為調查對象,由於科學園區儲運中心民營化後使第三方物流業者亦可進入科學工業園區設立物流中心,使得科學工業園區倉儲與運輸市場開放,所以面對開放的市場,科學園區第三方物流中心對於服品質與顧客滿意度也越來越重要。 故本研究乃探討科學園區第三方物流中心顧客的期望與實際感受的服務品質差異,並利用文獻探討及與SERVQUAL量表蒐集物流中心相關服務作業與服務品質相關因素,來評估不同種類顧客的差異與對顧客滿意度的影響性,所以用科學園區第三方物流中心 K物流公司顧客為研究對象,進行問卷調查,再透過成對 T檢定、因素分析、單因子變異數分析、迴歸分析來進行各項檢驗。 研究結果顯示,顧客對於科學園區第三方物流中心 K物流公司所提供的服務品質是有差距的,整體而言,顧客「期望的服務」高於「知覺的服務」,而且 K物流公司相關服務作業因素與服務品質因素對顧客滿意度有一定影響程度。此外,本研究結果也希望能提供科學園區第三方物流中心業者在經營上相關的參考。
The present research studied the theory of “Service Quality Model ” proposed by Parasuraman、Zeithaml and Berry (1985) , and used to measure the Service Quality and the Customer Satisfaction on K Logistic Co.where was in Tainan Science Park . The scope of the study was focused on the customers of K Logistic Co.. Due to privatization of logistic service in science park of Taiwan , the 3rd party logistic service provider can establish distribution center in science park . Therefore , the warehousing and transportation market in the science park of Taiwan were opened to private enterprises . In order to face to the competition market , the distribution centers in science park of Taiwan must think highly of their service quality and customer satisfaction . The main purpose of this study was to explore the difference between customers’「expected service」and 「perceived service」on distribution centers of science park in taiwan . By reviewing literatures and useing SERVQUAL scale , this study collected some factors of service attributes and service quality from distribution centers of science park in Taiwan , then measuring the diffrerence to different kinds of the customers and the influence of customer satisfaction . The data of questionnaires were collected from the cutomers of K Logistic Co..in Taiwan science park and this study is analyzed by “Paired T Test”,“Factor Analysis”,“ANOVA Analysis” and “Regression Analysis”. The outcome of this study shows that there is a gap in service quality on K Logistic Co. . In it’s entirety , the customers’“expected service” is highly than “perceived service” . The factors of service attributes and service quality of K Logistic Co. influence customer satisfaction . And the result of this study can provide implications for distribution center in science park to further improve current operations .
Appears in Collections:Thesis