標題: 生技公司經營模式之研析-以Syngenta為例
Business Strategies of Biotechnological Company- Case Of Syngenta
作者: 劉欣怡
Liu Hsin-Yi
Hsiao-Cheng Yu
Pao, Hsiao-Tien
關鍵字: 生物科技產業;企業經營策略;SYNGENTA;Biotech Industry;Strategy;Syngenta
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 生物技術自1970年代的基因工程發展以來,在1990年代末逐漸擴大研究領域並商業化,除了生技醫藥的發展外,就以農業生技的成長最為快速。生物技術的發展對於農業生產的突破有極大之影響,透過基因的改造、轉殖等方式,使得農產品得以增加產量,甚至可以因地區土壤差異、氣候不同而進行基因改造,讓農作物得以在適當的環境中生長。 農業生技的發展在美、歐地區有比較明顯的成效,原因在於美歐國家擁有先進技術以及投入資金的規模較大,再加上企業管理的方式發揮效果,進而取得市場競爭優勢與後續的發展潛力。本論文的研究動機即在於,希望可以藉由分析外國生技公司的成立與壯大過程,瞭解其發展的策略,藉以提供政府與國內生技業者日後之參考。 本論文透過成長創新理論與資源基礎理論,交叉分析Syngenta的發展過程。Syngenta是註冊於瑞士的生技公司,近年來發展快速而成為全球著名的生技農業企業,在本論文的研究論述過程中,我們發現到Syngenta的發展是符合成長創新理論與資源基礎理論之所述,而有了這些發展基礎,也使得Syngenta應該可以藉以建立持續性的競爭優勢,永續其企業經營與發展。
Since the 1970s biotechnology has been developed, it gradually expands the commercialization of research fields. In 1999, the EU had imposed a moratorium on any new GM approvals. By 2003, GM maize and soya were widely grown in the western hemisphere, and the big exporting countries were fed up. In addition, according to Cropnosis, an industry consultancy, the market for agricultural biotechnology grew from about $3 billion in 2001 to over $6 billion in 2006, and is expected to reach $8.4 billion by 2011. Because the developing country grow richer, the world is likely to need much more food, just as arable land, water and energy become scarcer and more expensive. The modern agricultural offer a way out of the bind, providing higher yields as it require less water, energy and fertilizer. Through innovative research and technology, Syngenta is a world-leading agribusiness committed to sustainable agriculture. It keeps being the leader in crop protection, and ranks third in the high-value commercial seeds market. Syngenta is a company with enviable financial solidity and growth prospects. Studying the business strategies of this outstanding company, it can find the secrete of how to become a global and sustainable enterprise.