標題: 台灣地區性金融機構之發展策略分析--以新竹商銀為例
The Analysis Of Taiwan Local Financing Institution Strategy Development - An Example on Hsinchu International Bank
作者: 楊惠琇
Yang Hui-Hsiu
關鍵字: 地區銀行;Bank
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 本論文研製之地區性金融機構發展策略因在國內金融環境快速變遷的高度衝擊下,目前國內地方性的金融機構因為業務性質相似一直存在著過度競爭的狀況,而且不良放款的逾放比即使在一次金改打消呆帳的情況下仍一直居高不下,加上目前因卡債高築而產生的卡奴問題,及銀行販賣債權造成不當催討的社會問題,使得國內地方性金融機構的發展方式受到嚴正的重視。加上今年來間接金融與直接金融消長,金控整併造成金融服務的量販化,隨著金融市場的開放與多樣化,傳統銀行融資方式已漸漸被直接金融管道所取代,企業大多採行發行普通股、特別股、普通公司債、可轉換公司債或存託憑證等方式,在國內或國外取得成本更低廉的資金,對於傳統融資的依賴已逐漸降低。 各個地區性金融機構期望透過金融的整併改造,使金融的向度更加的多元化與國際化,並且以金融百貨的業務方向朝向綜合化全面化的金融服務發展,藉由金融商品創新及擴大服務範圍,並且增加資訊方面投資來滿足顧客的需求,以求得到更多的業務發展。 本研究對於整個金融環境及地區性金融機構的發展策略做分析,並以新竹國際商銀為例,對其未來可能的策略聯盟以及被併購對象之分析探討,提供地區性金融機構未來發展方向的一些可參考的方向。 本研究發現不論地區性金融機構能否找到適當的併購金融公司,其發展的重點都在於自己本身經營體制的轉型與經營績效的提升,故應就資訊化的服務品質提升、優質化的體質建置、透過策略聯盟做國際化的商品行銷服務、發展具備差異化的高利潤商品以及結合異業創造更多元化行銷通路等方面多加努力,如此才能提高區域金融的身價,更有被大型金融公司選上併購的機會。
This thesis aims at studying the development and the strategies of the traditional banks in recent years. This thesis includes a survey on the changes in the financial environment in Taiwan. A local bank, HsinChu International bank, has also been recearched in regards to its recent transformation and the causes. Under the highly competitive environment, a lot of traditional banks have been trying to increase their markets. They are doing this by offering their customers cards in any possible conditions, releasing excess loans, or selling creditors’ right. These strategies have created a lot of social problems. Along with the increase of the direct finance and the decrease of the indirect finance this year, a lot of the traditional or domestic banks have been merged with bigger financial organizations. Businesses and enterprises have also become less dependent on the traditional banks for loans since these bigger financial organizations offer more ways and lower interest rates for business loans such as regular, special or company loans. These new financial organizations have also impressed people with their easier access to banking services and their diversified and open money market. Through the transformation by merging into a bigger financial organization, a lot of local or traditional banks expect to be more diversified or internationalized. They expect to provide diversified service to meet more people’s needs so that their markets can be expanded and multiplied. The result of this study shows that it is necessary for a traditional bank to be merged with a bigger financial organization in order to promote and improve its market. It is more important that a traditional bank focus on the improvement of their own system and management, i.e., building a sound business system, making use of man power and internet service. Then a Local bank would be the elect target.