標題: 運用資料採礦技術探討客戶流失之區隔研究
Segmentations of customer churn using Data Mining for telecommunications Industry
作者: 溫心眉
Hsin Mei Wen
Edwin Tang
關鍵字: 資料採礦;客戶區隔;電信產業;卡方自動互助檢試法;Data Mining;Customer Segment;telecommunication;CHAID
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 客戶流失研究在飽和的電信市場是重要課題,許多行銷人員希望瞭解如何使用行銷策略在不同的客戶區隔上以挽回客戶。本研究以資料採礦中CHAID決策樹的方法將客戶分群,發現手機的持有天數與客戶流失率有關係,這可證實目前行動電話系統業者利用手機優惠價來增加門號用戶數的行銷策略對挽留客戶是有效的。在手機持有天數超過一年以上的用戶流失率較高,在高流失族群中又以年齡為客戶流失之主因,年紀越輕之用戶持有手機時間越久,越容易流失。用CHAID方法容易以直觀的方法瞭解客戶區隔,進而可針對每個區隔做出一對一的行銷策略。
Customer churn in the saturated telecommunication market is an important topic. Many marketers like to understand how to use the marketing strategy with different customer segmentations. Using the CHAID decision tree method, it is discovered that the handset usage and customer churn rate are related, The study proves the strategy of keeping customer is effective when mobile phone carrier using promotional program, such as combined subscription & free cellular phone package. The churn rate is higher for number of days of current mobile phone user who keep their phone for more than a year. Within these lost customers, the age will be the second major factor for such outcome. In short, the younger the customer who keep the phone for a long time, they are easier to terminate the subscription. With CHAID method, you can easily see the segmentation of customers. Every segment is separated into categories and the results can be easily noticeable.