Title: 一個多頻道PM10-PM2.5採樣器的研發
Development of a Multi-Channel PM10-PM2.5 Sampler
Authors: 蔡春進
Keywords: 懸浮微粒;空氣污染監測;微粒採樣器;懸浮微粒採樣分析;particle matter;air pollution monitoring;particle sampler;sampling andanalysis of atmospheric particles.
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 目前台灣地區所用的採樣儀器絕大都是進口的產品,很少有本土自產的儀器,這些
設計並測試一個多頻道的PM10-PM2.5 採樣器, 可以同時採集4 個PM10 及4 個PM2.5 的濾
紙或固氣分離器(denuder)的樣本, 以供微粒稱重、元素分析、離子分析及碳分析,或正
值,以便能得到正確的PM10 及PM2.5 的樣本,同時可以紀錄逐時的採樣體積流率、大氣
測試工作, 並與巿售的PM 採樣器完成現場比對測試工作, 以驗證本採樣器的準確性,
Currently most of the air sampling instruments used in Taiwan are imported from abroad.
There are very few domestic instruments. These instruments are costly and hence there is a
big demand to develop domestic particle samplers. This proposal intends to use 3 years to
design and test a multi-channel PM10-PM2.5 sampler in which 4 PM10 and four PM2.5 filter or
denuder samples can be taken at the same time. These samples can further be used for
weighing, and analysis for elements, ions and carbons, or accurate inorganic or organic gas
and particle analysis. This is to avoid the need to divide the filter samples when the samples
are not adequate which may result in non-uniform concentration, or the need to use many
particle samplers which are costly. The other advantage of this sampler is that the
volumetric flow rate is controlled actively so that a fixed flow rate can be maintained based
on atmospheric temperature, pressure and filter pressure drop so that accurate PM10-PM2.5
samples can be obtained. Also the hourly sampling volumetric flow rate, ambient
temperature and pressure can be recorded for further calculation of ambient PM concentration.
This proposal will conduct the calibration test in the laboratory and a wind tunnel, and finish
comparison with other commercial samplers at field to validate the accuracy of the sampler.
This is to further improve the sampler and increase its feasibility.
Gov't Doc #: NSC95-2221-E009-111-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/88446
Appears in Collections:Research Plans