Title: 半磁性奈米晶體多體理論之研究以及其自旋生醫元件的應用
Studies of Photoexcited Semimagnetic Nanocrystals --- Many-Body Physics and Spin Biosensing Applications
Authors: 鄭舜仁
Cheng Shun-Jen
Keywords: 奈米晶體;量子點;磁性半導體;自旋電子學;生醫感測元件
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 半導體奈米晶體[semiconductor nanocrystal (NC)]是利用所謂由下而上(bottom-up)
驗團隊L.Besombes 等人已成功測得包含單一光激子及單一錳原子的單顆量子點瑩光光
1. 奈米晶體電子結構的計算
我們將採用多重尺度的方法計算奈米晶體的電子結構:包括k.p 法及假位能(empirical
pseudopotential)法?雖然奈米晶體的尺寸僅數個奈米,其中卻包含了>103 個原子,採用微
構一16 節點(nodes)的計算機叢集配備高容量的動態計憶體(>6G/node),再採用Lanczos
演算法解決超大(>105 執105)哈密頓矩陣(Hamltonian matrix)的對角化問題。
2. 半磁性奈米晶體中多激子的研究
利用configuration interaction (CI) 的方法及矩陣對角化的技術我們將計算半磁性奈米晶
體中多激子的能譜和磁性, 其中激子-激子、激子-磁性離子、及離子-離子間的庫倫作用
新準粒子(quasi-particle),即所謂exciton magnetic polaron (EMP),最近的研究顯
示EMP 在量子點光譜和自旋特性中伴演重要角色,我們將研究EMP 在奈米晶體瑩光
(Photoluminescence), 瑩光激發(Photoluminescence excitation) 和時析(time resolved)光譜
3. 利用奈米晶體實現自旋及生醫感測元件
例如熱效應(thermal effect),自旋態的穩定性(stability)和動態響應(dynamics)。
[1] D. J. Norris, et al, Nano Lett. 1, 3 (2001).
[2] L. Besombes et al,Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 207403 (2004).
[3] S.J. Cheng, to be published in Phys. Rev. B (2006).__
Semiconductor nanocrystals (NCs) refer to the chemically synthesized crystallite particles
with typical radius of only few nanometers. Due to the excellent optical properties, NCs are
treated as promising candidates of material system for realizing the advanced photoelectrical
devices for the next generation. In addition, the latest technology has successfully
incorporated magnetic elements, typically Mn2+, into those nanocrystals.[1] It is thus expected
that the application of those semimagnetic NCs can be in near future extended to the highly
spin-related fields, e.g. bio-sensing devices, spintronics, and quantum information technology.
Recently, Besombes et al have first successfully demonstrated the emission spectrum from a
single semimagnetic dot containing only one exciton and one magnetic ion.[2] The measured
spectrum exhibits fascinating fine structures which are attributed to the complex spin
interaction between the exciton and the Mn2+ ion. Although semimagnetic bulk or thin film
systems have been extensively studied for years, the studies of semimagnetic nanostructures
are still limited. Semimagnetic NCs is actually a challenging subject of research. On one hand,
the validity of applying the macroscopic band theories, e.g. the effective mass or k.p theory, to
calculate the electronic structure of those nanostructures is still controversial. On the other
hand, due to the strong confinement of NC, the Coulomb interaction between the particles in a
NC turns out to be strong and complex.
In the past year, we have developed a theory for semi-magnetic NCs containing interacting
electrons and a single Mn2+ ion.[3] In this project, we shall extend the theory and numerical
technique to study the photoexcited semimagnetic NCs and the interaction between
multi-excitons and multi- Mn2+ ions.We shall also explore the possibility of utilizing those
semimagnetic nanostructures to realized new spin and biosensing devices. This research
project consists of the following three topics:
1. The electronic structure of semimagnetic nanocrystals
We shall take multi-scale approaches to calculate the electronic structure of semimagnetic
NCs, i.e. the macroscopic k.p theory and the microscopic empirical pseudopotential method.
Applying the microscopic theory to the calculation of the electronic structure of
nanostructures is however still a challenging task, since typically the number of the atoms
constructing the nanostructures is greater than >103 corresponding to the Hamiltonian matrix
with the typical size larger than >105 執105. In this topic, we shall build up a 16-node PC cluster
system and take the Lanczos algorithm to solve the problem of diagonalization of matrix.
2. Multi-exciton complexes in semimagnetic NCs
We shall calculate the energy spectra, excitonic and magnetic properties of photoexcited
semimagnetic NCs by using configuration interaction method and exact diagonalization
technique, in which the complete interactions between exciton-excion, excion-magnetic ion,
and ion-ion are taken into account. Due to spin interaction, an exciton could bind several Mn
ions and a new quasi-particle called exciton magnetic polaron (EMP) is formed.We shall
study the emission, absorption, and time-resolved optical spectra of semimagnetic NCs and
how EMP affects the feature of the spectra.
3. Toward the realization of spin and biosensing devices based on NCs
We shall explore the possibility of employing semimagnetc NCs to realize the advanced
devices applied in the fields of biosensing and spintronics.We shall propose device models
based on the physics knowledge which we acquire in the studies of topics 1 and 2.We shall
study the emission pattern of a semimagnetic NC attached to a magnetic biological molecule,
and how to recognize the pattern as the fingerprint of the host molecule. The realistic effects
which could affect the performace of the devices will be taken into account, like the thermal
effect and the decoherence of spin.
[1] D. J. Norris, et al, Nano Lett. 1, 3 (2001).
[2] L. Besombes et al,Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 207403 (2004).
[3] S.J. Cheng, to be published in Phys. Rev. B (2006).
Gov't Doc #: NSC95-2112-M009-033-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/88454
Appears in Collections:Research Plans