標題: 科技、社會與跨性別(WR43)
Turning to Be a Women But Failing to Be a Men (WR43)
作者: 林文玲
關鍵字: 跨性別;身體改造;醫療體系;人工生殖;transgender;body modification;medical system;ectogenesis
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 本研究試圖以台灣性別體系中的跨性別者,從他/她們各自的身體改造計劃及其對 身體的感覺、知覺、身體形象、性別化的身體出發。認識性別化身體的在轉換過程中, 如何在既存的性別想像、社會體制、醫療系統以及社會保險之中,推展各自的身體-性 別計劃,從中並觀察性別角色的謀合、協商與反抗中所貫穿的社會特性與性別意識形 態。身體-性別計劃的推動同時在公、私領域引發關係改變,各別主體發展出來的調適 方案以及生存策略,描繪出個人與社會的具體互動。這些生命經驗與生活情境由職業選 擇、社會連帶、情感關係、婚姻、生養小孩的主題所貫穿。 跨性別者的個別生命經驗與生活情境,提供我們看到不同性別主體在成長歷程中因 社會的性別分化,產生的性別角色期待與社會支持或社會排斥。社會排斥造成的直接後 果可能是就業與發展機會不公。性別主體可能因為各自的性別狀態,使得他/她們在權 力連結關係、市場交換關係及社會關係網路中受到牽制,所造成的階層流動以及發展機 會受阻的現象。本計劃將藉由多重場域的研究途徑,多方面認識並整理跨性別者的生命 經驗、個人故事,特別就身體改造與人工生殖兩個議題,探討他/她的性別狀態在社會 福利制度與醫療科技之間的衝突、牴觸或可能性。
The purpose of the study is to explore how the transgender in Taiwan plan and implement their body modifications (or Sex Reassignment Surgery) under existing insurances and medical care of social systems/institutions confined by traditional gendered values, in attempt to further understand their gender experiences of bodies and images, social traits and gender ideologies encountered as well. The execution of body-gender plan aroused certain changes both in public and private spheres. By looking into the incidents of coping, negotiating, and resisting in daily life, issues regarding career choices, partner relationship, legal marriage, and child birth or adoption of the transgender are raised in this research. The social differentiation followed by role expectation and social exclusion results in the unlocated social position of the transgender, so as to limit their career choices and job vacancies. Under such circumstances, the transgender are constrained in hierarchical mobility and development opportunities in trading systems, social network, and power relationship due to their sex/gender positions. By multi-sited research approaches, this project tends to reveal the stories and experiences of the transgender, with special focus on the themes of body modification and ectogenesis, and to reflect on how social welfare and medical technologies contradicts their well-being at current stage.
官方說明文件#: NSC96-2629-H009-001-MY2
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/88490