Title: 資通安全人才培育計畫---子計畫二:資通安全人才培育-國立交通大學資通安全研究與教學中心
Taiwan Information Security Center at National Chiao Tung University
Authors: 謝續平
Keywords: 資通安全研究與教學中心;資通安全;密碼理論與軟體安全;無線網路安全;系統安全;TaiWan Information Security Center;TWISC;cryptography and software security;wireless network security;system security
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 資通安全人才培育計畫(以下稱為本計畫)係依據行政院國科會『知識經濟時代人才 培育之基礎平台與架構計畫』,推動以「知識供應鏈為經,異業整合及跨領域訓練為緯」 之終身學習制度,並整合分散於各大專院校與研究機構之人才資源,本計畫參考行政院 『我國資通安全政策白皮書』、國外經驗與借鏡,設置國家級之「資通安全研究與教學 中心(TaiWan Information Security Center, TWISC)」,並於第一年度計畫(94 年)由中央研究 院及北部數所大學共同於台灣科技大學正式成立位於台灣科技大學之資通安全研究與 教學中心(TWISC@NTUST),且陸續由中、南部大學之研究團隊聯合成立位於交通大學 之資通安全研究與教學中心(TWISC@NCTU)與位於成功大學之資通安全研究與教學中 心(TWISC@NCKU),其中,TWISC@NTUST 之重點研究領域為密碼理論與軟體安全, TWISC@NCTU 之重點研究領域為無線網路安全,TWISC@NCKU 之重點研究領域為系 統安全。藉由TWISC 的成立,將逐年達成以下主要目標:(1) 提昇我國資安科技學術與 工程能量;(2) 提昇我國資安產業工程應用與管理能量;(3) 促進資安國際合作交流;(4) 培育資安種子,推廣資安新知與認知。 本計畫預計執行四年,第一年度(94 年度)與第二年度(95 年度)分屬國科會企 畫處與工程處之資通安全人才培育計畫,本年度(96 年度)為第三年度,將併入行政院 國科會『電信國家型科技計畫』,協助強化無線通訊、寬頻網際網路與應用服務技術之 安全機制,提昇我國通訊與網路之產業競爭力,帶動資訊相關產業之發展。本計畫第一 年重點工作為建置『資通安全研究與教學中心』基礎環境與建構國際合作交流平台;第 二年之重點工作在既有之國際合作交流基礎下,與國外學者或研究中心進行實質之國際 合作人才培育工作,以落實技術研發能量之自主並推動在職培訓課程,協助產業提昇自 我研發能力;第三年與第四年之重點工作為落實產學合作研發,進行產業技術移轉,蓬 勃相關產業的發展,並建立我國資通安全能量之國際能見度。
「Taiwan Information Security Center」 plan was funded by the National Science Council, Taiwan (NSC). According to 「Fundamental Platform and Framework Program for Cultivation in Knowledge Economy Age」 by NSCand the policies on national information and communication security, this program promotes whole life learning system including knowledge supply chain, multi-industry integration and trans-field training to integrate the manpower resources distributed among academia and the research community and establish national TaiWan Information Security Center (TWISC) that was officially founded on April 1st, 2005. In 2005, according to the first year program, TWISC at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (TWISC@NTUST) was established by Academia Sinica and a number of universities located in North Taiwan. Then, the research teams from universities located in Middle Taiwan and South Taiwan established TWISC at National Chiao Tung University (TWISC@NCTU) and TWISC at National Cheng Kung University (TWISC@NCKU) respectively. These TWISCs will achieve the following core objectives: a. Boost the academic research power in the domestic information and communication security; b. Enhance the industrial application and management of the domestic information and communication security; c. Enhance the international cooperation and exchange in information and communication security; d. Foster the Seeded manpower for information and communication security and promote the up-to-date knowledge and awareness of information and communication security. This project is a four-year project from 2005 and will conbine with the National Science & Technology Program for Telecommunications (NTP) in 2007 to enhance the national competitiveness for telecommunication services and manufacturing industries. In 2005, the main objective is to establish the fundamental environment of TWISC and the platform of international cooperation and exchange. In 2006, the objective is to achieve practical international cooperative cultivation through the main platform in order to implement autonomous technology research and experimental development and on-the-job training course and assist the industry in enhancing autonomous research and experimental development capacity. In 2007 and 2008, the main objective is to promote industry-academy research collaboration, technology transfer and increase international visibility.
Gov't Doc #: NSC96-2219-E009-013
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/88566
Appears in Collections:Research Plans