標題: Hybrid Q-switched Yb-doped fiber laser
作者: Huang, J. Y.
Zhuang, W. Z.
Huang, W. C.
Su, K. W.
Huang, K. F.
Chen, Y. F.
Department of Electrophysics
公開日期: 9-五月-2011
摘要: We investigate the performance of a hybrid Q-switched (HQS) fiber laser that is constructed with a low RF-power driven acousto-optic (AO) Q-switch and an AlGaInAs semiconductor saturable absorber. Compared to a pure passively Q-switched (PQS) fiber laser, the ratio of timing jitter to pulse period can be significantly reduced from 2% to 0.3% in the regime of far above threshold. On the other hand, the prelasing effect in a pure actively Q-switched fiber laser can be considerably improved. More importantly, the maximum pulse energy of the HQS fiber laser can be increased approximately 25% in comparison with the result of the PQS fiber laser. At a pump power of 24 W, the highest pulse energy is up to 0.56 mJ with the pulse duration of 50 ns at the repetition rate of 23 kHz. (C) 2011 Optical Society of America
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OE.19.009364
ISSN: 1094-4087
DOI: 10.1364/OE.19.009364
Volume: 19
Issue: 10
起始頁: 9364
結束頁: 9370


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