Title: 功能化二氧化鈦奈米管陣列的基礎研究與應用
Functional TiO/sub 2/ Nanochannel Array---Fundmental Study and Applications
Authors: 刁維光
Keywords: TiO2;陽極處理;奈米管陣列;超快光譜學;染料敏化太陽能電池;TiO2;anozidation;nanotube array;ultrafast spectroscopy;dye-sensitized solarcell (DSSC)
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 由於全球性的能源危機以及台灣環保意識的高漲,在這個兩年期的國科會個人
化鈦奈米管陣列(ATO nanotube array)薄膜,其具有高表面積及可調控的特性故可
在吸附光敏染料後作為DSSC 的陽極,以取代傳統以導電玻璃及TiO2 奈米顆粒為陽
極的Gratzel cell。在計畫執行的第一年中,我們將利用不同奈米製程如陽極處理
氧化鈦的表面型態、結晶特性、光譜及光電特性等深入探討,並將ATO 奈米管應用
於表面的自我清潔。第二年我們將利用第一年所製得之材料應用到DSSC 之元件封裝
與光電流量測,改變的參數包括了ATO 奈米管的孔徑大小、管子的長短、不同染料
遞的動力行為。我們所提出的奈米管DSSC 將具有低成本、可撓曲、大面積、可回收
Due to the global energy crisis and the sense of environmental protection in
Taiwan, in this two-year proposal we propose a method to develop dye-sensitized solar
cell (DSSC) with the possibility of low cost and high efficiency. Our core technology is
to make large-area anodic TiO2 (ATO) nanotube array directly on the surface of Ti-foil
utilizing the method of anodization. After sensitized with organic dye molecules, the
dye/ATO thin-films can be used as anode to replace the traditional TiO2
nanoparticle-based films used in Gratzel cell. For the first year, we will make
high-quality TiO2 nanostructures using both anodization and sol-gel methods. The
structure and morphology of the TiO2 surface will be investigated using XRD, SEM and
TEM; the spectral and photocurrent measurements (IPCE) will be performed to study the
opto-electric properties of the material. The ATO nanotube array can be applied to the
field of self-cleaning of surface. For the second year, we will fabricate DSSC using the
ATO nanotube array material optimized in the first year. Both IV curve and IPCE
measurements will be carried out in order to find the best condition of the cell; the
variables to be tested include the pore size and the length of the tubes, different dye
molecules (including Ru-complexes and porphyrins), and different composition of the
electrolytes. We will also study the relaxation dynamics of the electron-hole pair for the
key transport process in the interface between the dye molecules and the TiO2
nanostructures using ultrafast spectroscopy methods established in our laboratory. Our
goal is to find the best ATO-DSSC with the advantage of low cost, flexibility, large area
and reusability. We might provide an economical solution for the problem of the global
energy crisis if we succeed in promoting the efficiency of the cell and improving the
lifetime of the cell.
Gov't Doc #: NSC96-2628-M009-018-MY2
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/88916
Appears in Collections:Research Plans