標題: 減速設施之效能及對成員舒適度感受之研究
Performance of Speed Humps and Their Effects on Passengers' Comfort Perception
作者: 吳宗修
Woo Tzong-Shiou Hugh
關鍵字: 減速設施;乘客感受;速度;Traffic Calming Devices;Passenger Perception;Speed
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 行駛速率為事故發生之重要因素,在必須控制車速之地點,例如社區道路,學校附 近之道路等,常設置減速設施,以達到讓駕駛人減速之目的。本研究主要分為三個階段 探討減速設施,第一階段探討減速設施之效能,第二階段探討減速設施之影響範圍,最 後探討設置減速設施對於乘員感受度之影響,選擇新竹市內裝設減速設施的路段為研究 地點。研究人員以測速槍測速、錄影機、測量煞車距離及駕駛車輛以不同速度通過減速 設施、通過單峰或雙峰減速設施、上坡或是下坡路段、不同乘客的屬性等控制變因,分 別進行資料收集,以觀察在不同變因下,乘客感受程度之差異,並嘗試找出垂直加速力 的變化與乘座舒適度之關聯。
Reducing vehicle speed has been an important element to improve driving safety. In order to reduce the speed, various traffic calming devices are used in places such as residential communities and schools. This study will proceed in three steps. First, performance of traffic calming devices will be evaluated. Second, the affecting area of single and double speed humps will be investigated. Last, the relationship between traffic calming devices and passenger perception will be modeled. Speed guns to detect the speed and measure the breaking locations will be used. Researchers will drive passing the traffic calming devices and collect information in different treatments, such as single or double speed humps, upward or downward slopes, and different passenger characteristics. Passengers』perception in different treatments will be observed and recorded from personal interview using a questionnaire. This study will explore the relationship between vertical acceleration and passengers』comfort perception.
官方說明文件#: NSC95-2221-E009-320
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/89050