Title: | 寬頻微波接取技術---子計畫一:適用於次世代無線通訊系統之寬頻印刷式天線 Broadband Printed Antennas for Next-Generation Wireless Communication Systems |
Authors: | 林育德 LIN YU-DE 交通大學電信工程系 |
Keywords: | 寬頻天線;印刷式天線;適形化天線;洩漏波天線;貼片天線;Broadband antennas;printed antennas;conformal antennas;leaky-wave antennas;patch antennas |
Issue Date: | 2006 |
Abstract: | 為了滿足對無線資料傳輸速率及方便性永無休止的追求,產學界不斷提出各色各樣先進無線通訊系統以因應之。目前最受矚目的次世代無線通訊系統,當屬WiMAX及UWB兩系統,兩者均思延伸目前當紅的Wi-Fi無線區域網路系統之服務範圍或速率,並分別被賦以無線廣域網路系統(Wireless Metropolitan Area Network)及無線個人網路系統(Wireless Personal Area Network)之角色。但隨著這些先進無線通訊系統較佳的通訊品質而來的,通常是更難以達成的微波/射頻元件之特性。有鑒於此,業界專家預期在2到3年內將難以看到此二系統之真正商業化產品。本計畫之目的即在掌握此期間,配合總計劃之規劃,研發次世代無線通訊系統適用之寬頻印刷式天線。第一年將以研發適用於UWB之寬頻印刷式天線為主。第二年則將設計符合WiMax規格之微帶貼片陣列天線。第三年則將設計適形化天線,以用於UWB或WiMax系統之基地台。 To meet ever-insatiable demands on quality and convenience of wireless voice/data/multi-media communication, new wireless communication systems that encompass high performance and extend the existing services are always being proposed. Among the emerging wireless systems, the most expected are Wimax and UWB systems, both intending to extend the service of currently widely deployed Wi-Fi WLAN systems. Coming with superior performance in these systems are price tags that demand stringent specifications on RF or microwave components, besides other technical hurdles. In view of these technical hurdles, industry experts do no expect to see practical systems commercially available in the next 2 to 3 years. The objective of this project is to develop broadband printed antennas for emerging next-generation wireless communication systems afore-mentioned, Wimax and UWB. In the first year, broadband antennas for UWB systems will be designed in the designated frequency band. In the second year, patch antenna arrays that can meet the requirements of Wimax on both radiation patterns and input impedance will be developed. In the third year, conformal printed leaky-wave antennas that can be used for base-stations in Wimax and UWB systems and for military use will be designed. |
Gov't Doc #: | NSC95-2218-E009-041-MY3 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/89782 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=1278466&docId=234201 |
Appears in Collections: | Research Plans |