标题: 探讨RcsB在克雷白氏肺炎杆菌CG43中调控抗酸逆境的反应
Characterization of the RcsB-mediated acid stress response in Klebsiella pneumoniae CG43
作者: 彭慧玲
关键字: RcsB;调控酸性逆境反应;适酸小岛;KvhAS;RpoS;Fur交互调控作用;荚膜生合成;细胞黏附能力。;RcsB;acid stress response regulation;acid fitness island;KvhAS;RpoS;and Fur interacting regulation;CPS biosynthesis;cell adherence activity
公开日期: 2013
摘要: 在克雷白氏肺炎杆菌具有厚重荚膜的临床分离株CG43中,我们发现rcsB基因缺损不仅降低其荚膜生成量也降低了此菌在酸逆境(pH 3-M9培养基)的存活率,而此缺失可被转殖入一表现rcsB基因的质体所弥补,此暗示RcsB扮演调控酸性逆境反应的角色。经由已定序的CG43基因体中搜寻同源序列,我们发现六个可能被RcsB调控的抗酸基因:其中,yfdX、hdeDB以及hdeB1基因座落于可能的适酸小岛(acid fitness island);此外,以二维蛋白质电泳比较分析以酸处理(pH 4.4-LB一小时)的CG43S3与CG43S3ΔrcsB蛋白体,分离出一个因rcsB缺损而不表现的蛋白点,经串联质谱分析后鉴定为YfdX蛋白。为了更深入探讨RcsB基因在调控抗酸逆境反应的角色,近一年的工作如下:1. 已建构ΔhdeB、ΔhdeD、ΔhdeB1、ΔhdeDB、ΔhdeBΔhdeB1、ΔhdeDBΔhdeB1、ΔhdeDΔyfdX、ΔhdeDBΔyfdX、ΔhdeDBΔhdeDΔhdeB1、ΔrcsBΔyfdX和ΔkvhAΔyfdX基因缺损株。2. 经由酸逆境存活率分析确认AFI基因均参与抗酸反应,而各基因缺损影响为ΔhdeB1>ΔhdeD>Δ yfdX>ΔhdeB;ΔrcsB>ΔyfdX>ΔkvhA3. 建构HedB和YfdX的表现系统并纯化HedB和YfdX:-免疫兔子取得YfdX多株抗体;以活体外系统分析显示HedB和YfdX重组蛋白具有伴随蛋白(chpaerone)活性,而YfdX活性明显较HedB强。4. 利用LacZ报告系统分析发现hdeDB、hdeB1和yfdX在弱酸、静置培养下的启动子活性较高;在静置或震荡培养下,RcsB和KvhA正向调控AFI基因,而Fur和PhoP只在震荡培养下正向调控AFI基因,另外,rpoS基因缺损会提高hdeDB的表现。5. 西方墨点法分析显示YfdX在弱酸静置培养下表现量最大,此时,RcsB和KvhA基因缺损明显降低其表现,另外在缺铁情况下,YfdX表现量大幅降低。
In Klebsiella pneumoniae CG43, we have observed that the rcsB deletion not only reduced the bacterial CPS amount but also decreased the bacterial survival under an acid stress treatment (pH 3 in M9). The deleting effect could be complemented by transformation with an RcsB expression plasmid implying a regulatory role in the acid stress response. Homologous gene search in K. pneumoniae CG43 genome revealed six predicted RcsB-dependent acid resistance genes. Among them, yfdX, hdeDB and hdeB1 genes were found to be clustered within the putative AFI (acid fitness island). In addition, comparative proteome analysis using 2D gel electrophoresis of CG43S3 and CG43S3ΔrcsB after the acid adaptation (pH 4.4 in LB for 1 h) revealed a missing protein spot in the rcsB deletion mutant, which later identified as YfdX by tandem mass analysis. The accomplishments for the last 10 months are: 1. The mutants including ΔhdeB, ΔhdeD, ΔhdeB1, ΔhdeDB, ΔhdeBΔhdeB1, ΔhdeDBΔhdeB1, ΔhdeDΔyfdX, ΔhdeDBΔyfdX, ΔhdeDBΔhdeDΔhdeB1, ΔrcsBΔyfdX and ΔkvhAΔyfdX have been constructed.2. Acid stress survival analysis revealed that the AFI genes are all involved in the acid stress response. The order of deleting influences isΔhdeB1>ΔhdeD>ΔyfdX>ΔhdeB; ΔrcsB>ΔyfdX>ΔkvhA.3. Overexpression system for the recombinant HdeB and YfdX has been established and the recombinant proteins purified. The recombinant YfdX has been used to immunize rabbit to generate anti-YfdX polyclonal antibody; the recombinant proteins appeared to be able to protect ADH from the extreme acid damage suggesting both are chaperone, while the YfdX exhibited much higher activity than HdeB. 4. Using LacZ reporter system, we have observed that the promoter activity of AFI genes is induced in mild acid and static-cultured condition. RcsB and KvhA positively regulate the promoter activity under both shaking and static-cultured condition, while PhoP and Fur activate the AFI gene expression only under shaking culture. Moreover, the promoter activity of hdeDB was slightly increased by the deletion of rpoS.5. The western blot analysis against anti-YfdX antibody revealed that YfdX expression was increased at the static culture or mild acid but diminished expression in LB addition with iron chelater. In addition, the yfdX expression was abolished in ΔrcsB or ΔkvhA deletion mutants.
官方说明文件#: NSC100-2320-B009-003-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/90053
显示于类别:Research Plans