標題: 地下水質量傳輸模式之發展與現地試驗研究(3/3)
Development of Groundwater Mass Transport Model and In-Situ Experiments
作者: 楊錦釧
Jinn-Chuang Yang
關鍵字: 地下水;污染傳輸;現地試驗;Groundwater;contaminant transport;in-suit experiment
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 台灣近年來由於地下水抽用量激增,遠超過地下水補注量,已造成部份地區地層下陷與地下水鹽化。工廠有機溶劑、地下油管與地下油槽破裂造成農地土壤及地下水污染。有鑑於此,環保署依據「土壤及地下水污染整治法」,開始徵收土壤及地下水污染整治基金,並著手地下水污染場址整治工作。此外,經濟部水利署辦理「台灣地區地下水觀測網整體計畫」,定期進行地下水水質檢測工作,瞭解地下水水質污染概況。惟目前國內尚無一套由國人自行開發之地下水質量傳輸模式以資應用,因此爰辦理「地下水質量傳輸模式之發展與現地試驗研究」計畫。 「地下水質量傳輸模式之發展與現地試驗研究」計畫之目的係發展一套由國人自行研發適合大區域及小範圍模擬之多含水層系統地下水質量傳輸模式,並藉由地下水污染傳輸現地試驗,輔以實驗室砂箱試驗,推估地下水及污染物傳輸等相關地質參數。其研究結果可提供經濟部水利署及相關單位作為管制地下水抽取與整治地下水污染之參考工具。 本年度工作項目 地下水質量傳輸模式之發展 1. 完成具明顯密度變化(海水入侵)交介面之多含水層系統地下水模式之發展。 2. 應用濁水溪沖積扇觀測之相關資料,進行海水入侵現地模擬。 3. 利用本團隊發展完成之地下水質量傳輸模式,模擬雲科大相關試驗研究資料,以提供國內未來試驗研究之參考。 4. 垂向一維鹽分入滲數值模式之建立。 5. 完成模式操作使用手冊。 6. 配合主辦單位辦理教育訓練,將本團隊發展之模式,技術轉移給水利相關單位人員使用。 地下水質量傳輸現地試驗 依據原始招標文件所載第三年度(九十四年度)之工作內容,主要為現地示蹤劑試驗及提出地下水水流及質量傳輸之地質參數模型。為配合地下水質量傳輸模式發展時程,本年度工作提前於第二年度(九十三)完成。因此本年度(九十四)只針對往年不足及完整性加以補充。 1. 地電阻技術用於3-D水文地質調查評估。
Since recently groundwater pumping discharge has been much greater than recharge in Taiwan, land subsidence and groundwater alkalization in some areas occurred. Besides, industry chemical solution together with the breaking off of underground pipe lines and oil tanks further-more cause groundwater pollution in Taiwan. Because of this, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) starts to collect funds and work on groundwater pollution remedy according to ?H?±the regulation of soil and groundwater pollutions remedy?H?H. Moreover, through the project of ?H?±groundwater observation network in Taiwan?H?H, Water Resources Agency (WRA) tests the groundwater quality constantly. However, there is still no domestically developed groundwater mass transport model for the use of simulation of groundwater pollution in Taiwan. Therefore, WRA initiates the present research project of ?H?±the development of groundwater mass transport model and in situ experiment. The goals of the above mentioned research project are (a) to develop domestic mass transport models which suit for both large and small areas of multi-layer groundwater, (b) to estimate parameters of groundwater mass transport in Taiwan through in situ and sand box experiments. The results of this research project, hopefully, can provide WRA references of groundwater pumping control and pollution remedy. The categories of this research project are divided into (a) the development of groundwater mass transport models, and (b) the in situ and sand box experiments. This is a three-year project; the content of works for each year are as follows: 1. The first year: (a) the development and test of a multi-layer groundwater mass transport model, (b) the set-up of the test and observation field of groundwater flow and mass transport. 2. The second year: (a) the application of the first-year model for the simulation of field groundwater mass transport, (b) the development and test of another groundwater mass transport model with sharp interface, (c) the groundwater tracer test, and (d) the preparation of sand box experiment. 3. The third year: (a) the use of the second-year model for the simulation of salt water intrusion, (b) the sand box experiment, (c) parameters of groundwater mass transport in Taiwan. Keyword: Groundwater, Mass-transport model, Multi-layer groundwater, in situ experiment
官方說明文件#: MOEAWRA0940195
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/90800