Title: 考慮農業用水之中小型蓄水設施多目標經營評估
Study on Multi-Purpose Management of Storage Facilities Considering Agriculture Demand
Authors: 張良正
Liang Cheng Chang
Keywords: 生態;水資源管理;多標的;Ecology;Resource Management;Multi-object
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: 本計畫提出一全程兩年之研究,目的在針對中小型蓄水設施設施進行水源、生態與滯洪等具多功能之多目標經營規劃探討。若善加利用這些蓄水設施,並以多目標經營的方式進行適度的改善,不但可涵養水源,亦可就近支援農業及其他用水,甚至可以提供小區域滯洪及更豐富的生態環境,以提升當地民眾休憩的環境。其中水源運用將在考量農業用水需求下進行水源分析,生態功能則是使設施的經營能維持良好生態水環境供應。為充分模擬各標的間的互動影響,本計畫將以系統動態學來進行多標的經營規劃之系統模擬,並對各操作標的尋求適切的量化評估指標,來作為評估操作方式對各標的影響程度的依據。
This project is aimed at designing a multi-objective pond which can possess the functions including making use of water supply, flood detention, and ecological environment. It is expected not only to establish a healthy water environment but also to retain the function of water conservation and urban flood detention. As a result, ecological environment of pond can fit with the surrounding nature environment. Moreover, a stable cycling of water flow is projected to preserve the quality and quantity of water source together with the balance and cycling system of ecosystem.
Gov't Doc #: 94農科-10.1.1-利-b1(10)
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/90813
Appears in Collections:Research Plans

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