標題: 我國重大天然災害財務支援體系之建立
The Establishment of Financial Supporting System in Natural Catastrophes in R.O.C
作者: 許和鈞
Sheu Her-Jiun
關鍵字: 重大天然災害;財務支援體系;政府財政規劃;Natural Catastrophe;Financial Supporting System;Government's Financial Plan
公開日期: 2000
摘要:   台灣地區位處地震、颱風地帶,歷年來相關重大天然災害(震災、風災、水災...)頻傳,造成諸多人員、公共設施、農作、財物的損失。且由於各種天然災害特性不一,對於風災、水災等相關災變之災前防治與災後救助,我國的救災體系已有相當經驗,但相形之下對於非例常性災害(如:農災)或超大型天然災害之救災作業的財務支援體系未臻完善,尤其對災區之災後救濟支援有緩不濟急現象,而復建工作因金額龐大,區域特性複雜,每每又導致政府財政預算不敷因應,而規劃重點又不被災區民眾所認同。   為期針對非例常性且重大之天然災害,配合政府再造的理念,發展符合我國重大天然災害特性的財務支援體系,本計劃擬先分析美、日相關國家救災組織財務支援方式的效益與搭配措施,並檢討中央政府行之有年的天然災害救災制度所面臨之相關問題。且計劃其間又將邀集學者、專家參與座談,針對政府預算赤字現況、重大天然災害下政府財政規劃、救災與復建之財務支援等議題,整理並提出可行之天然災害財務支援體系之建議。
Since Taiwan Island locates in the earthquake and typhoon region, there often exist natural catastrophes to damage heavy loss about people's lives and properties. For some regular event dues to typhoons, our emergency management system in government owns much experience to take actions. On the contrary, these organizations do not still well in super-loss catastrophes and some unregular disasters. Therefore, their financial support is too late to be of use in crisis, the recovery plans don't appreciated by refugees. In order to deal with those situations, we would like to compare the financial effectiveness of emergency management offices in some countries, as U.S.A. and Japan. Then, the related problem occurred in the traditional system aids will be investigated and analyzed. In the mean while, the expert symposium is going to be convened to discuss the distress of government deficit, the financial plans and supports of emergency organization. After taking the government refinement into consideration, we will submit some feasible suggestions able the establishment of financial supporting system in natural catastrophes.
官方說明文件#: 880901.06
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/91653


  1. rrpg89120067.pdf

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