標題: 從防弊到興利:探討Turnitin剽竊檢測系統在學術英文寫作之應用
From plagiarism detection to education: Application of Turnitin in academic writing instruction
作者: 孫于智
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 許多研究指出,有關抄襲、剽竊的定義及何謂正確、合理的文本改寫,至今仍存在許多爭議,未有明確定論;甚至不同的學術領域,都可能有各自不同的定義與標準。因此,寫作教師除了要面對抄襲、改寫等定義不清的窘境,還必須面對不同學門領域的差異性,在教學上勢必會造成相當程度的困難與困惑。有鑒於此,本計劃第一年希望透過Turnitin文本比對系統,探究各領域已發表之學術期刊論文中,作者文本改寫的幅度差異及文本抄襲(借用)的情況為何。一方面可藉此歸納出敘述性(descriptive)文本改寫定義與解說性(prescriptive)文本改寫定義間的差距,了解不同學術期刊作者實際上依循的文本改寫規範與寫作剽竊文獻之論述差異性;一方面可比較各個學門領域間,存在著何種程度、類別的差異。本計劃第二年擬透過Turnitin文本比對軟體,分析已發表之學術期刊論文中,作者所使用的文本改寫策略有哪些,藉以了解進階寫作者(學術期刊作者)使用的改寫策略,是否有別於語言學習者之改寫策略,例如使用拼湊寫作策略的頻率。透過分析期刊作者的改寫策略,以期找到足以提供語言學習者師法之改寫策略、或是發現期刊作者運用不當的改寫策略或負面範例。本計畫第三年主軸為:以Turnitin為師,透過Turnitin比對結果增強學生對文本改寫的知能。Turnitin文本比對軟體,一般被用來偵測抄襲,檢核不當文本引用或改寫的情形,以嚇阻剽竊情形的發生。但豐富的文本比對結果,是否亦富含教育功能、可做為引導學生正確文本改寫的參考依歸,或是徒增學生對於文本改寫規範的困惑?本計畫第三年擬規劃一套教學方案,透過Turnitin軟體,增強學生有關抄襲與改寫知識概念、學習改寫技巧,並探討其學習成效。上述三大研究方針,不僅對解決本國學生的學習困境有幫助,亦有助於國家推動學術國際化,協助國內外學界釐清問題,擬定解決方案,提出具體、正面的貢獻。
Research indicates that the exact definition of plagiarism and appropriate paraphrasing has remained ambiguous. In fact, each discipline may often have its own definition and standards. The vague notion of plagiarism and paraphrasing and its variations across disciplines have doubled the challenge for writing teachers. The proposed research attempts to examine how a text matching software, Turnitin, can be used to uncover the possible variations of paraphrasing strategies across disciplines and to explore Turnitin’s educational potential in teaching paraphrasing strategies. In the first year of the three-year project, we will use Turnitin to investigate the extent to which the authors of published journal articles paraphrase the target sources and its variations across disciplines. The purpose is twofold. On the one hand, we can compare the differences, if any, between the descriptive definition of paraphrasing and the prescriptive definition of paraphrasing. That is, we can understand how the actual paraphrasing (or language re-use) practice observed in published articles are different from the common definition in the literature. On the other hand, we can explore whether and to what extent paraphrasing practice may be different across disciplines. In the second year of the project, we will use Turnitin to qualitatively analyze the paraphrasing strategies employed by authors of published research articles. The purpose is to examine whether these advanced writers adopt different paraphrasing strategies from student writers. Through the analysis, we hope to find paraphrasing strategies of educational potential for language learners or inappropriate ones that can be used as negative examples in teaching. The third year of the project aims to use Turnitin as a possible paraphrasing teaching tool for enhancing students’ knowledge about paraphrasing. Turnitin has been extensively used to detect and prevent plagiarism. The point of our interest is whether the rich text matching results may have any educational potential which can guide students to learn what constitutes appropriate paraphrasing or whether the Turnitin results may just cause more confusion. Specifically, using Turnitin, we will develop a teaching plan which aims to enhance students’ knowledge and strategies of paraphrasing. In sum, the proposed three-year project not only can help students overcome their difficulties in writing but also benefit the country in promoting the internalization of scholarly publication. The results can also be useful in identifying problems, framing possible solutions, and providing specific, positive contribution for researchers in and outside the country.
官方說明文件#: NSC101-2410-H009-034-MY2
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/93124