Title: 下世代光數據中心網路之關鍵核心技術-總計畫及子計畫一:下世代光數據中心網路之架構設計及模型化
Architecture Design and Modeling for Next-Generation Optical-based Data Center Networks
Authors: 楊啟瑞
Keywords: 數據中心網路(DCN);類Fat-Tree架構;光交換機系統;波長轉換器;電/光緩衝器;光/電/光轉換器;Data Center Networking (DCN);Fat-Tree-based Architecture;Optical Switch System;Wavelength Converters;Electrical and Optical Buffering;O/E/O device
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 數據中心網路(DCN)被視為支援未來雲端運算及興起中之分散式計算的最重要技術之一。下世代數據中心網路最根本的挑戰是如何將指數成長的巨量(如:數十萬部)伺服器以有效率且低成本的方式連接在一起,同時滿足數項重要的條件:高可擴展性、高吞吐量、高容錯力、低延遲、無封包遺失及低功率消耗。由於有限的吞吐量及高功率消耗,目前使用電訊號的數據中心網路已經成為數據中心其持續成長的運算能力之主要技術瓶頸。同時,過去二十年來光網路技術在長途、都會及區域/存取網路領域中已成為連結通訊節點的卓越技術。眾多研究人員投注大量心力於研究如何使用光通訊及光交換機技術實現數據中心網路,也就是所謂的光數據中心網路。所幸近來光元件(如:光/電/光轉換器、被動陣列波導光柵交換器)的進步,光數據中心網路之低封包遺失、低功率耗散、低互相干擾及極高的吞吐量,都確保其能長遠滿足上述數項數據中心網路的需求。
Data center networking (DCN) has been envisioned as one of the most prominent technologies for supporting future cloud computing and ever-increasing distributed computing applications. A fundamental challenge in next-generation DCN is how to efficiently and cost-effectively interconnect an exponentially increasing number (e.g., hundreds of thousands) of servers while simultaneously meeting a multitude of requirements. The crucial requirements include high scalability, throughput, fault tolerance, low latency, no loss, and low power consumption. Due to limited throughput and large power consumption, electrical-based data center networking has become a technological bottleneck and a dominant factor limiting the continued scaling of processor performance. Meanwhile, optical networking has been a preeminent technology for connecting telecommunicating nodes in the long haul, metro, and local/access geographic areas over two decades. Together, researchers have recently drawn tremendous attention and interests to the realization of DCN by means of optical transmission and switching technologies, so called optical-based DCN. Thanks to recent advances in photonic devices (e.g., E/O/E devices, and passive Array Waveguide Grating (AWG) switches), such optical-based DCN has been shown capable of providing long-term solutions to the above limitations with low loss, low power dissipation, low interference, and exceedingly high throughput.
For optical-based DCN, to satisfy the DCN requirements, several key enabling technologies must first be developed which involves investigating the following four research tasks (undertaken by this integrated project): (1) data-center and optical-switch architectures and modeling; (2) parallel scheduling and optimization; (3) low-power-consumption wavelength converter techniques; and (4) high-capacity point-to-point optical interconnect. In this three-year project (task one), we focus on two lines of research work. In the first line of work, we focus on the design and modeling of data-center architectures. The traditional fat-tree DCN architecture, to overcome bottlenecks, requires the use of expensive exceedingly high-capacity switches toward the root of the tree, resulting in a severe scalability problem when supporting an immense number of servers. Besides, although the fat-tree network can theoretically support high bandwidth between any pair of servers, unfortunately, balancing network traffic in such a network with highly divergent and unpredictable traffic matrices poses significant challenges. Our aim of the project is to design/model viable and novel architectures achieving high throughput (and low latency) with load balancing, high scalability with no performance bottleneck, and dynamic adjustment of network topology subject to minimize power consumption under low traffic demands. In the second line of work, we aim at the design, analysis and prototype of a high-performance data-center optical switching system (DOSS). We have earlier prototyped a 10-Gb/s/wavelength WDM optical packet switching system. While both systems are aimed to achieve high throughput, the data-center optical switching system in this project differs from the 10-Gb/s system on two perspectives. First, due to the maturity of O/E/O devices, electrical-buffering will be adopted in this optical switching system for DCN (possibly in addition to a handful of FDL-based optical buffer). Second, the optical switching system must be designed to meet the low power consumption requirement for DCN. Design strategies include power control/management schemes and sharing of wavelength converters. Finally, the tasks to be accomplished in these three years are summarized in the following roadmap.
Gov't Doc #: NSC101-2221-E009-007-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/93139
Appears in Collections:Research Plans