標題: 水庫沈滓運移模式研究與應用(I)---以石門水庫為例
Investigation and Application of the Sediment Transport Model in Reservoir(I)---For Shih-Men Reservoir
作者: 楊錦釧
J.C. Yang
關鍵字: 模式;凝聚性沉滓;排砂;model;cohesive sediment;sluicing sediment
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 台灣地區山高坡陡,河川流短湍急;降雨量雖然豐富,但豐枯懸殊,因此水資源之利用常以建造水庫調節水量。但台灣地區因地質條件不佳,山區地質鬆軟,再加上多年來山坡地的大量開發,水土保持工作未落實,每逢颱風暴雨侵襲,山洪自上游挾帶大量土石奔馳而下,淤積於庫內,造成水庫在蓄水的同時也兼蓄砂。根據水資會83年的統計資料,台灣水庫每年的泥砂淤積總量高達14,600,000 m3,相當於一座明德水庫之設計有效容量。在優良壩址有限,復以工商發展、土地價值不菲,及環保、生態意識高漲,使得構建大型水庫以獲得新水源的開發方式,必須付出高昂的土地成本與社會成本,而日益降低其作為開發新水源方式的可行性。因此,如何減少水庫淤積,以延長現有水庫壽命,並充分利用有限的水資源,實為當務之急。為了保持庫容,減少或清除水庫淤積,首先必須研究入庫泥砂在水庫內之運移、沖淤和分佈的規律,而數值模擬即是最佳的工具之一。數值模擬具有預測的功能,可輔助解答水庫淤砂在規劃、設計及運行階段所面臨到的問題。因此,考量台灣水庫淤砂的特性,發展適用於台灣地區水庫沉滓運移數值模式,配合實際案例之模擬,以具體分析台灣水庫淤砂的相關課題,不失為值得探討的方向。本計畫最主要的目的乃擬發展一水庫沉滓運移數值模式,且擇定石門水庫基本資料,以進行模式的評估模擬工作,期望此計畫數值模式開發完成後,將來能提供與水庫管理單位作為評估分析之工具,研討具體可行之方案,以為水庫營運策略參考之依據。本計畫同時評估測試USBR所發展之GSTARS3.0模式,協助中美水庫淤積技術合作相關工作事宜,並編修NETSTARS模式英文使用手冊。
Due to uneven distribution of rainfall, Taiwan needs to build many reservoirs to store excessive water during wet seasons in order to supplement water deficit during dry seasons. However, according to 1994?? data, the annual amount of reservoir sedimentation in Taiwan is about 14,600,000 m3 which is equal to the effective storage of Ming-Te Reservoir. Owing to unfavorable topographical condition and severity of soil erosion, suitable dame site is difficult to come by and concerns with environmental impact have made the construction of new reservoirs almost impossible. So, now the main work should focus to prevent the reservoir sedimentation to extend the reservoir life and to manage the water resource effectively. The key of this project is to develop a numerical model to simulate the transport of sediment in the reservoir. The practical applicability of the model will be assessed by using the measured data of Shih-Men Reservoir. The other work of the present project is that: to assess the GSTARS3.0 model proposed by USBR, to edit the users manual of the NETSTARS model in English form and to assist the proceeding of AIT-TECRO Water Resources Program Annual Review Meeting.
官方說明文件#: MOEA/WRB--910009V1
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/93289


  1. RRPG91030381.pdf

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