Title: 應用多目標優選探討農業用水移用對水源調配之影響 (II)
Application of Multi-Objective Optimization on Studying the Impact of Transferring Irrigation Water to Non-Agricultural Use (II)
Authors: 張良正
L. C. Chang
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 本省南部地區由於經濟的發展,使得需水量大增,惟由於雨量豐枯差異甚鉅以及大型水資源開發案推行不易,以致在不久的將來,枯水時期缺水機率將大為增加,而在整體水資源需求中,農業用水以總量而言所估比例甚大,惟其單位經濟產值較加,農業用水移用的情況將更頻繁,然而在以往並未對此農業用水移用,對農業用水標的及民生工業用水標的的影響從營運的觀點進行量化的分析,以提供決策者客觀的參考,因此本計畫即在以最接近實際上水資源調配的模擬模式為出發點,結合其它最新優選方法,以南部區域為研究地區,建立多水庫最佳多目標聯合營運模式,完整的展現在各種不同方案下,農業用水相對於民生及工業用水標的間之競爭情形,以為後續農業用水移用相關問題的客觀參考.
Water demands in southern Taiwan have skyrocketed in recent years owing to population, and industrial growth, as well as elevated living standards. Although the current reservoirs in southern Taiwan can satisfy current water demands increasing demands will soon surpass the system's capabilities. Therefore, the lack of an effective water distributed strategy for current reservoirs, will lead to recurrent water shortages in southern Taiwan-during the dry season. Using the proposed algorithm, a multi-objective model for water resources distribution of southern Taiwan is also developed to generate the non-inferior solutions set.
Gov't Doc #: 91農科-1.3.3-林-R1(14)
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/93339
Appears in Collections:Research Plans