標題: Adaptive radio resource allocation for downlink OFDMA/SDMA systems with multimedia traffic
作者: Tsai, Chun-Fan
Chang, Chung-Ju
Ren, Fang-Ching
Yen, Chin-Ming
Institute of Communications Engineering
關鍵字: radio resource allocation;quality-of-service;scheduling;optimization;OFDM/SDMA
公開日期: 1-五月-2008
摘要: This paper proposes an adaptive radio resource allocation (ARRA) algorithm for downlink OFDMA/SDMA systems with multimedia traffic. Considering multiple service classes and diverse QoS requirements of multimedia traffic, the ARRA algorithm is designed with the goal to maximize spectrum efficiency and to fulfill quality of service (QoS) requirements. It is composed of two parts, a dynamic priority adjustment (DPA) scheme and a priority-based greedy (PBG) scheme. The DPA adopts a type of time-to-expiration to indicate the degree of user's urgency, and dynamically gives high priorities to urgent users. The PBG allocates the radio resource iteratively, based on a cost value, to maximize the system throughput while allocating enough resource to high-priority users. Simulation results show that the ARRA algorithm outperforms conventional algorithms in terms of system throughput and satisfaction extent of QoS requirements; it can sustain users' QoS requirements up till a traffic load of 0.8, while the conventional algorithms cannot guarantee QoS requirements after a traffic load of 0.3.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TWC.2008.060994
ISSN: 1536-1276
DOI: 10.1109/TWC.2008.060994
Volume: 7
Issue: 5
起始頁: 1734
結束頁: 1743


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