標題: 天然河川流量及泥砂觀測技術與儀器本土化建置研究(I)
Study on Flow and Sediment Measuring Techniques (I)
作者: 許盈松
關鍵字: 流量觀測;流速觀測;泥砂觀測;Flow Measurement;Velocity Measurement;Sediment Measurement
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 綜觀現今國內水資源及水利等相關研究成果,可以發現在各種水資源及水利課題之數值模式或物理模式研究方面,業已累積許多成果;在實際應用方面,亦有許多成功經驗。但在各種水資源及水利課題基本資料觀測、蒐集、調查等相關研究,較少有突破性成果;於實際應用上,亦較少有觀測現代化成功案例。就各種水資源及水利課題之數值模式或物理模式研究而言,其研究精度或敏感度範圍經常界於百分之十以內;而作為前述各種模式所必需配套輸入條件之水資源基本條件,其觀測誤差卻經常遠大於百分之十,特別是有關河川水文資料的觀測、蒐集、調查工作,諸如天然河川洪水位、高洪峰流量、泥砂輸移量的觀測調查,格外地困難;甚至因觀測環境惡劣、測站位址過於偏僻或觀側儀器功能受限,而使得許多重要基本資料數據長期闕漏。使得各種水資源及水利課題之數值模式或物理模式研究成果,其應用可能性大為降低;更使得整體水資源或水利防洪現代化規劃工作受到影響。簡言之,翔實評估台灣河川水文資料既有內涵與觀測現況,著手進行建立自動化河川流量及泥砂資料即時觀測系統與自動化測報基本資料庫研究工作,實是當務之急。
Judging on today’s research projects on domestic water sourcing and harnessing related undertakings, there have been quite a few results stemming from various numerical simulation or physical models; and in areas of actually putting them to work, there has not been any shortages for success. But unfortunately, in areas such as various sourcing and water harnessing related basic data observation, collection and investigation, there has been a woeful shortage of break-through; and in practice, the case for successful modernized observation has been few and far in between. As far as research on various numerical simulation or physical models for water sourcing and harnessing, the degree of precision or sensibility often fall within 10% of error of margin. But the degree of precision for basic data, especially the ones concerning river data observation, collection and investigation for the above mentioned various scientific models on the contrary are often much greater than 10%. For example, the observation and investigation for natural river flash point, peak flood speed, and mud flow rate have been specially difficult. On many occasions, some of the most crucial data fell through the cracks for extended period of time due to poor observation situation, inadequate observatory location, or even inferior observation devices. That greatly reduces the validity of research findings of various numerical simulation or physical models for water sourcing and harnessing projects, which affects the effectiveness of integrated water sourcing projects or the modernization effort for flood prevention undertakings. Simply put, it is imperative to honestly evaluate Taiwan’s river data (including both historic and current ones), to establish automated real-time observation system for river flow-rate and mud data, as well as automated database system for on-location measure & report endeavors. Throughout the duration of this research project, our aim is to evaluate the observation me thods, counting measures and related instrumentation regarding the current river systems in Taiwan. Initially, we plan to devise automated observation methods for river depth, river flow-rate and mud shifting speed. Meanwhile we plan to design related instrumentation prototype, which could serve as a base of revision for follow-on research efforts.
官方說明文件#: MOEA/WRB--8900071V1
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/93820
Appears in Collections:Research Plans

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