Title: 區域性地下水水文特性分析---濁水溪沖積扇
Analysis of Regional Groundwater Hydrology---Choshuichi Fan
Authors: 張良正
Chang Liang-Cheng
Keywords: 地下水;觀測站網;水文;Groundwater;Monitoring Network;Hydrology
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 本計畫目的即在整合最新的濁水溪沖積扇水文地質資料,以時間序列、參數優選及水平衡分析等方法針對分層地下水位時空變化、重要水文地質參數空間分佈等地下水文特性進行分析,並將研究成果整合於地理資訊系統中以方便後續之展示及應用。地下水位時空變化趨勢分析方面,本研究將先以移動平均及其它時間序列方法直接分析各測井之水位變化趨勢,接著再以水文地質分層為基礎進行站與站之空間內插,如此將可得水位在時空上之變化趨勢。水文地質參數之空間結構分析方面,則在分析以降低模擬誤差(模擬與觀測水頭誤差平方和)及提高參數估計可信度(共變異矩陣行列式值)為前提下,水文地參數較合適的分區或分佈情形。
This project is to study the characteristics of groundwater hydrology such as the variation of hydraulic head over time and space and the special distribution of representative hydrogeological parameters. The time series analysis, parameter identification and water balance analysis will all be applied to perform the study basing on the data collected by the new groundwater monitoring network. The results of this project will also be integrated into a GIS system to facilitate the future research and presentation. On the study of groundwater variation over time and space, the moving average and time series analysis will be applied to estimate the variation of the trend for hydraulic head over time for each well. Then, the geostatistic analysis will be used to interpolate this results in space. This will complete the study of the head variation over time and space. On the analysis of the parameter structure in space, The objective of the parameter’s structure analysis is to obtain the minimum uncertainty for the estimated parameters basing on the data. This research will estimate the optimal number and distribution for the zones of parameters or the optimal distribution of the parameters in space.
Gov't Doc #: MOEA/WRB-8900030
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/93935
Appears in Collections:Research Plans

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