標題: 智慧型行車安全紀錄系統晶片之關鍵性技術研發-總計畫
ISDRS: Intelligent Safety Driving Recording System and its key technology development
作者: 郭峻因
關鍵字: 車用電子系統;全景視訊;夜視影像處理;行人偵測;車距偵測;即時路況視訊傳輸。;Autotronics;Panoramic video;Night-view video;Pedestrian detection;collision prevention;Streaming network
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 過去國內蓬勃發展的多媒體視訊處理技術應用熱潮已經從日常生活應用如數位相機、手機電視、 數位攝影機、手持式多媒體播放器、DVD、數位電視、網路視訊與安全監控系統等,而進入了車用電 子的領域相關應用,從已經普及之汽車多媒體應用如車用電視、數位影音、GPS 3D導航、倒車攝影系 統等,逐漸發展到日漸流行的行車紀錄器及研發中之智慧汽車中的各項駕駛安全影像輔助系統。有鑑 於此,全球各大車廠及汽車零組件廠如BENZ、BMW、AUDI、VOLVO、Toyota、Honda、NISSAN、Ford 及Continental AG等,對於智慧型車輛的研發投入相當積極。而為了搶攻全球高達數百億的車用安全產 品商機,國內車用電子相關業者無不磨拳擦掌與工研院及財團法人車輛研究測試中心(ARTC)密切合 作,多方持續投入研發資源。未來具多媒體影像輔助之各式車用電子系統產品將持續蓬勃發展,這些 創新技術可以有效提高行車安全性與便利性,降低車禍發生率,保障用路人之生命安全。然而,此技 術發展趨勢也同時衍生了嚴峻的車用電子系統之設計技術挑戰,包含更高的計算複雜度、更大的記憶 體儲存容量、更大的記憶體資料存取頻寬與更大的操作功率消耗等。 為因應此技術發展趨勢,並且呼應未來智慧電子國家型計畫之4C車用電子領域之應用發展趨勢, 本計畫整合本校晶片系統研究中心之研究團隊能量,基於現有於積體電路硬體設計、低功率多媒體視訊 IP、嵌入式軟體設計與SOC雛型系統平台等研究人力與成果,提出具有技術延續發展性質之國科會智 慧電子國家型計畫之整合型計畫:「智慧型行車安全紀錄系統(ISDRS)晶片之關鍵性技術研發」(如圖 11-1所示),探討創新之車用電子影像輔助技術,包含高動態範圍夜視處理技術、支援全景視訊合成與 視訊認證功能之H.264編碼技術、安全極速內之全側汽車防撞主動警示技術、行人/人形偵測技術、行 動路況視訊傳輸技術及低功率高效能之立體整合晶片技術,結合上述技術,可以衍生多項車用電子系 統應用,以提昇國內學術界創新技術之研發能量。本整合型計畫及其子計畫之規劃如下: 本計畫在三年規劃中預計將可產出 (1) ISDRS:智慧型行車安全紀錄系統雛型; (2) 高動態範圍夜視處理方法與關鍵性硬體加速器 IP; 2 (3) 全景視訊合成技術與關鍵性硬體加速器 IP; (4) 支援全景視訊合成與認證功能之 H.264 編碼器IP; (5) 全側汽車防撞主動警示技術與關鍵性硬體加速器 IP; (6) 行人/人形偵測技術與關鍵性硬體加速器IP; (7) 即時路況視訊傳輸技術; (8) 低功率高效能電路技術與 ISDRS 立體整合晶片設計與實現。
The technology evolution of multimedia video processing has been widely applied in daily life with the applications of digital cameras, mobile TVs, digital CAM-Coders, portable multimedia players, DVD players, digital TVs, network videos, and surveillance videos. Moreover, the multimedia video processing has also been applied in the autotronics applications like automobile TVs, digital audio/video, GPS 3D navigation, rear view camera systems, as well as some new intelligent car technologies in developing like black-box for cars, and various video/image supplementary systems for car driving. According to this technology development trend, the famous leading companies in car manufacturing like BENZ, BMW, AUDI, VOLVO, TOYOTA, HONDA, NISSAN, FORD, and Continental AG, all deeply involved in developing the novel intelligent technologies for car driving. For pursuing the market share of this new technology, the domestic autotronics companies work closely with ITRI and ARTC to invest the research in this area. With this trend, it would be seen that there will be prosperous evolution in the various video/image supplementary technology for safety car driving in the near future. Using these technologies will further improve the safety in driving and reduce the car accident events as well. However, this technology development trend also induces great design challenges in this area in the aspects of high design complexity, much data storage requirement, high memory bandwidth, and high processing power. Following this technology trend and the goal of the 4C area research in NSC National Intelligent Electronics Project (NIEP), we propose a brand new project entitled “ISDRS: Intelligent Safety Driving Recording System and its key technology development” for bringing brand new applications for 4C area in the coming future according to the basis of our past research results in SOC. The design concept of the proposed ISDRS system is shown in Fig. 11-1. In this project, we would like to investigate the interesting research topics including high dynamic range night vision processing, panoramic video synthesis and H.264 video encoding with watermarking, car collision prevention technology, pedestrian/human detection technology, mobile traffic video transmission, and high performance circuit design technology as well as the 3-D integration and prototype for ISDRS system. Combining the above mentioned technologies could effectively induce various novel applications in the area of autotronics in the near future. Moreover, we will develop some advanced video/image processing technology in this project to enhance the research capability of Taiwan in this area. The plan of the main project and its associated sub-projects are shown in the following: In the three-year period of this project, we plan to deliver the following items: (1) ISDRS: Intelligent Safety Driving Recording System Prototype; (2) High-performance tone mapping algorithm and hardware accelerators for night scenes; (3) Panoramic video synthesis algorithm and hardware accelerators; (4) H.264 video encoder IP supporting panoramic video synthesis and watermarking; (5) Round view car collision prevention algorithm and hardware accelerators; (6) Pedestrian/human detection algorithm and hardware accelerators; (7) Mobile traffic video transmission algorithm; (8) Low power high performance circuit design technology and the ISDRS 3-D integration
官方說明文件#: NSC100-2221-E009-150-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/94001