Title: | 探究學生對物理公式之理解:以大學理工背景學生為例 Exploring students$ understanding about physics formulae |
Authors: | 邱國力 Chiou Guo-Li 國立交通大學教育研究所 |
Issue Date: | 2013 |
Abstract: | 本研究計畫主張,深入探討學生對物理公式的詮釋與理解,乃是協助其成功轉換物
研究預計分兩年進行。本計畫第一年的研究,將以半結構晤談的方式來探測30 位大學
物理公式之理解情形的評量工具,並針對200 位以上的大學理工科學生進行施測;隨
訊。 Knowing how students interpret and understand physics formulae is the very first to help them conduct meaningful learning for successfully translating between physics concepts and mathematics equations. Accordingly, this two-year research project aims to investigate students’ interpretation and understanding of physics formulae. This major goal of the first year’s project is to conduct semi-structured interviews with 30 science or engineering majors to explore how they interpret given physics formulae. In addition, a set of follow-up interview questions will be used to probe the participants’ understanding of the mathematics structure, the related physics concepts and theoretical framework, and the related physics phenomena and everyday experiences involved in the physics formulae. Coding schemes and rubrics will first be developed to guide the coding process, and then the constant comparison method will be used for further data analysis. Based on the findings of the first year’s study, the goal of the second year’s project is to develop a test to diagnose students’ understanding of related physics formulae. We plane to administrate this test to at least 200 science or engineering majors, and then to comprehensively analyze their responses by searching for patterns of their understanding and for mechanisms underlying their reasoning. Optimistically, the findings of this project will enhance physics teachers and researchers’ understanding about how students interpret and understand physics formulae, and provide valuable suggestions for instructional designs of formula-based physics. Moreover, the patterns and mechanisms found in this project can help to formulate the theories of students’ learning in physics formulae. |
Gov't Doc #: | NSC101-2511-S009-002-MY2 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/94007 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=2857570&docId=405545 |
Appears in Collections: | Research Plans |