Title: 社會支持對完美主義之影響暨認知行為小團體諮商之效果
Study of the influence of social support on Perfectionism and the effect of cognitive-behavioral small counseling group
Authors: 方紫薇
Keywords: 完美主義;社會支持;反芻想法;因應;正負向情感;perfectionism;rumination;coping;social support;positive/negative affect
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 現代社會壓力越來越大,一些優秀學生卻因其完美主義,而在學習遭遇困境
作用而產生不同影響。5. 驗證認知行為小團體諮商之立即性及長期性效果。期望
Due to the increasing competition in the modern society some outstanding students
suffer from psychological disturbances raised from perfectionism when they confront
with learning obstacles. We are going to carry out a study aimed at the undergraduate
students to figure out the relationship of perfectionism and social support, and to test the
effects of cognitive-behavioral small counseling group. This study will be a two-year
project and its main purposes are: 1. To understand the relationship of perfectionism and
social support. 2. Compare the difference between online social support and face to face
social support. 3. Examine the effectiveness that social support and coping should
mediate the relationship between perfectionism and positive/negative affect. 4. To study
the interaction between parental social support and parental expectations.5. Examine the
short term and long term effects of cognitive-behavioral small counseling group. We
hope the result of this research can be a good reference for future studies and good basis
for building up the theoretical model. It also can be used to bring up the solution for
the effective prevention against these learning obstacles among the students. At the same
time it can provide good suggestions for the teachers, counselors, and parents when they
need to assist these students.
Gov't Doc #: NSC101-2410-H009-027-MY2
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/95258
Appears in Collections:Research Plans