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dc.contributor.authorChen Chao-hsiuen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來由於行動載具與無線網路的普及,愈來愈多師培教育者及研究者投注心力, 探討如何將行動科技用於師培教育中,以有效地幫助師培生學習如何當一個勝任教師。 但多數的研究是將行動科技用於輔助師培生在大學裡師培課程的修習,較少將行動科技 運用在支援實習教師的工作與學習。本研究者因此開發了一套以智慧型手機為載具,名 為「適性支援實習教師的系統」(Adaptive Support System Initiated for Student Teachers, ASSIST),來輔助實習教師在實習階段的工作與學習。 然而本研究者發現,受限於手機輸入資料的不便與螢幕顯示畫面較小等因素,若要 讓ASSIST具備更便利的操作界面以及更強大的功能,有必要開發更具豐富功能與更彈 性操作的網頁版ASSIST,來與手機版ASSIST搭配。此外,還應加強ASSIST的社會性 互動功能,以輔助實習教師們形成實務社群,並建構自己的教師專業認同。因此本研究 目的在於探討如何整合網頁及智慧手機的功能,來幫助實習教師在教學實習期間有效地 工作與學習,並了解實習教師如何藉由ASSIST的輔助,形成實習教師的實務社群、改 變其身分認同、達到教學的專業成長。 本研究主要分為以下四部分:(1)修改及新增現有手機版ASSIST功能,並發展一套 網頁版本的ASSIST;(2)針對所發展的系統,進行系統的形成性評估;(3)在實習教師的 實習學校進行長期的系統施行與測試;(4)了解此類科技應用對實習教師形成實務社群的 影響,以及實習教師的教師自我認同的改變歷程。 本研究預計為兩年的研究計畫,第一年重點為建置系統,並針對所開發的系統,進 行專家評估及使用者測試,根據此形成性評估的結果來修正系統。第二年的研究重點則 為招募約20-30 位師培生,在其實習的一學期裡,分為兩組來使用ASSIST,一組只使 用網頁版ASSIST,一組則使用整合網頁版與手機版的ASSIST。本研究將以問卷、訪談、 系統記錄等方式,收集相關的資料,除了比較兩組實習教師在使用行為與感受的差異, 並了解此系統對實習教師形成實務社群的影響,以及實習教師的教師自我認同的改變歷 程。 本研究結果應能提供教育研究者、決策者及師培教育者、師培生更多關於行動科技 在師培教育上的應用、如何導入行動科技以提昇實習教師工作與學習、如何涵養實習教 師的實務社群及專業認同的想法與建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractRecently, owing to the widespread of hand-held computers and wireless networks, more and more teacher educators and educational researchers make efforts to apply mobile technology to effectively assist pre-service teachers’ learning to be competent teachers. Among these endeavors, some researchers employed mobile technology to support pre-service teachers’ learning of teacher-education courses. Yet, very few studies address the application of mobile technology for supporting student teaching. Therefore, the researcher has developed a system called “the adaptive support system initiated for student teachers (ASSIST)” using smart phones as the system platform to support student teachers’ learning to teach. Yet, the researcher found that the ASSIST’s usefulness was constrained by issues such as the difficulty of inputting data via a smart phone and the small display of the smart phone. To make the ASSIST have more flexible user-interface and stronger potential for supporting student teachers, it is necessary to develop a web-based ASSIST with more powerful functions and flexible operations to supplement the smarphone-based ASSIT. Additionally, the addition of functions for social support and social interaction is beneficial for assisting student teachers to form a community of practice and their identities of being a teacher. Thus, the study purposes are to combine the web services with smart-phone characteristics to develop an integrated system to support student teachers’ working and learning during their student teaching and to explore whether this integrated system facilitates the formation of student teachers’ community of practice, transforms their identities, and enhances their professional development. Four major tasks of this study are: (1) to revise the existing functions of the smartphone-based ASSIST, to develop three more functions for the smartphone-based ASSIST, and to develop a web-based ASSIST with nine major functions, (2) to conduct the formative evaluation of the integrated system, (3) to recruit student teachers to test the system in their placement schools for a semester, and (4) to understand whether and how the system influences the formation of student teachers’ community or practice and transformation of their identities. The researcher plans this study to be a two-year project. In the first year, the researcher will focus on building the integrated ASSIST, on conducting formative evaluation of the system including expert review and user testing, and on revising the system based on results of the formative evaluation. In the second year, the researcher will recruit 20-30 student teachers to use the ASSIST for the one-semester. The participants will be divided into two groups. One group will solely use the web-based ASSIST, and the other group will use the integrated system. Data-collection methods include questionnaires, interviews, and system logs. The data analyses target to understand whether the two groups of participants show significant differences in using the ASSIST and in attitudes toward the ASSIST and whether the system influences the formation of student teachers’ community of practice and identities. The results should provide educational researchers, policy decision-makers, teacher educators, pre-service teachers with ideas and suggestions about applications of mobile technology in teacher education, about how to adopt mobile technology to support student teachers’ performance and learning, and about how to foster student teachers’ community of practice and identities of being a competent teacher.en_US
dc.subjectteacher educationen_US
dc.subjectmobile technologyen_US
dc.subjectstudent teachingen_US
dc.subjectcommunity of practiceen_US
dc.titleThe development of an integrated support system for student teachers and the transformation of student teachers$ community of practice and identitiesen_US
Appears in Collections:Research Plans