標題: 暗質,伽瑪射線,及微中子
Dark Matter, Gamma Ray, and Neutrinos
作者: 林貴林
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 近來PAMELA,ATIC 及Fermi LAT 觀測宇宙線正負電子能譜,再次激盪出暗質衰變或散 射出輕子的可能性。此類提議可以在IceCube 微中子偵測器中獲得驗證或被排除。本 計畫中我們將運用過去幾年在微中子天文物理累積的經驗,針對IceCube 的測量議題 作深入研究。就IceCube 而言,銀河中心來的微中子主要來自天頂角小於90 度,因此 IceCube 必須發展否決大氣渺子的技術,這項計畫名為Deep Core,已在進行中。我們 的研究將納入Deep Core 所提供的機會。此外Fermi LAT 也正累積銀河系GeV 伽瑪射 線的數據,和EGRET 結果不同,本計畫亦將關注此議題,希望和上述宇宙線正負電子 能譜議題作連結。
The recent data by PAMELA, ATIC and Fermi LAT on cosmic ray espectra has motivated proposals for dark matter annihilations or decays. Such proposals can be tested in the neutrino telescope IceCube.We propose to study such an issue in details, based upon our experiences in neutrino astrophysics in the past few years. To study such a neutrino flux, which is basically downward going as seen by IceCube, an effective atmospheric muon veto technique is required. Such a technique, referred to as Deep Core project, is under development in IceCube. In our studies, we shall take into account the opportunities offered by Deep Core project. Besides studying neutrino flux, we will also study galactic diffuse gamma ray flux at the GeV energy range, which has been measured by EGRET and Fermi LAT with different results.We aim to link this gamma ray flux to the above-mentioned e and neutrino spectra.
官方說明文件#: NSC99-2112-M009-005-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/97065
Appears in Collections:Research Plans