Title: 非侵入性可攜式奈米線氨氣生醫感測-〈總計畫暨子計畫一〉非侵入性可攜式奈米線氨氣生醫感測
Portable and Non-invasive Ammonia Gas Sensor Based on Nano-wire Device
Authors: 楊裕雄
Keywords: 多晶矽奈米線場效電晶體;氣體感測器;功能性染料;分子官能基;可攜式感測裝置;Poly crystalline silicon nanowire field-effect transistor;gas sensor;functional dyes;functional groups;portable measuring system
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 多晶矽奈米線場效電晶體(poly crystalline silicon nanowire field-effect transistor, poly SiNW- FET) 是一種具有高靈敏度、適合應用於立即偵測的生物感測器。配合台灣之生物科技、電子與半導體產 業及化學產業,可將其發展為可大量生產的生物感測晶片,做為個人檢測裝置。在過去的研究中, 本團隊已開發出可藉由現階段產業化的半導體製程技術製作之多晶矽奈米線場效電晶體。因此本計 畫將以此半導體關鍵製程技術,配合降低雜訊的訊號量測技術,開發以高穩定性多晶矽奈米線場效 電晶體為基礎的高靈敏度氣體生醫感測元件。以功能性染料修飾多晶矽奈米線場效電晶體的表面, 利用分子特殊官能基增加表面特定氣體吸附能力,提升感測元件的靈敏度,並針對不同氣體,利用 分子特定官能基改變氣體吸附的種類,提升感測元件的選擇性。同時針對現有量測系統改良,降低 量測機台組裝預算,未來將更容易推擴多晶矽奈米線場效電晶體元件之研究,並整合量測系統,朝 向可攜式矽奈米線氨氣生醫感測之關鍵技術研發,未來可將此技術應用在臨床的醫療檢驗以及病患 的居家照護。
Poly crystalline silicon nanowire field-effect transistor (poly SiNW- FET) is suitable for highly sensitive bio-sensor application. By integrating techniques from biotechnology, semiconductor, and chemical industries, poly SiNW- FET can be developed to become non-invasive personal/or home detection devices and can be easily manufactured in large quantity. Previously, our research team has developed the semiconductor fabrication technology that is compatible with the commercial semiconductor fabrication process to produce poly-silicon NW FET. In this project, we will build up measurement technology with noise filtering capacity to develop biomedical and high-sensitive gas sensor based on poly-silicon NW FET. In addition, the functional dyes will be applied to modify the surface of poly SiNW- FET. The gas molecule (for example: ammonia) can be absorbed or excluded with specific functional group(s). As a result, the sensing ability will be greatly enhanced. A variety of functional dyes will be applied to distinguish various gas molecules in the future. We will further reduce the cost of measuring system and integrate all parts into a portable structure. A portable, SiNW-FET based ammonia gas sensor can be applied to clinical examination and home care for patients in the future.
Gov't Doc #: NSC101-2622-B009-001-CC1
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/97099
Appears in Collections:Research Plans