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dc.contributor.authorYANG WEI-PANGen_US
dc.description.abstract期刊複印和圖書互借作業在國內雖已行之有年,然而卻無法徹底落實。由國科會科資中心支持、委託交通大學圖書館所發展的 「全國期刊聯合目錄暨館際合作系統」,透過電腦化和網路化作業,使整個館際合作的作業流程,從讀者申請、館員審核、 互借複印處理、到館際合作交易的統計等,均能在統一的界面下運作,再輔以館合服務機制,使整個期刊複印和圖書互借作業 均能夠徹底落實。除此之外,結算作業的實施,更是節省了各館在館合帳務上處理的人力和物力。本計畫是延續交通大學圖書館 過去在「全國期刊聯合目錄暨館際合作系統」的工作,處理全國館際合作系統、館際合作服務中心、結算作業...等相關事宜, 主要工作項目有五: 1.	改良館際合作系統的功能 2.	經營、運作全國館際合作服務中心 3.	執行新結算作業,並發展輔助新結算作業運作的電腦程式。 4.	轉入科資中心新年度蒐集的期刊聯合目錄。 5.	執行館際合作效能統計,發展新統計功能。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractInterlibrary loan (ILL) and document delivery service (DDS) have continuously played an important role for assisting patrons to obtain the needed information that are not owned by their libraries. The challenge is how to bring a range of technologies and services together for creating an ILL/DDS service that meets the requirement of patrons and librarians. As recently as two years ago, few patrons in Taiwan could submit ILL requests electronically. Most patrons mailed or brought paper request forms to the ILL borrowing offices of their libraries, and then the borrowing offices would mail or FAX the paper request forms to lenders. Most ILL lenders used FAX or Taiwan Postal Service for photocopies, rather than the newly emerging Ariel mechanism. For book delivery, most libraries used Taiwan Postal Service. In such a circumstance, the average turnaround time of ILL requests was long. Furthermore, no national method was available to handle the process of billing and payment.To improve the traditional ILL/DDS process, the Science and Technology Information Center (STIC) and National Chiao-Tung University (NCTU) started developing the Taiwan Serial Union Catalog and Interlibrary Loan System (the ILL System, for short) from September 1998. This system has significantly expedited the ILL process , improved the patron service, and reduced the workload of librarians by adequately utilizing the computer and network technology. Accompanying this system, an Interlibrary Loan Service Center (the ILL Service Center) has also been built since July of 1999 to offer services and assistance to participant libraries. In addition, the ILL Service Center is responsible for running a centralized billing and payment process. This project continues the development of the ILL System and the operation of the ILL Service Center. The tasks of this project consist of: 1.	Develop and improve the functions of the ILL system 2.	Operate the ILL Service Center 3.	Conduct the centrali zed billing and payment process and develop a software to assist the operation of the process 4.	Update the Union Catalog System, the data of which is collected by STIC. 5.	Regularly produce the ILL statistics report and develop new statistics functions.en_US
dc.subjectInterlibrary loanen_US
dc.subjectCentralized billing and paymenten_US
dc.subjectUnion catalogen_US
dc.titleThe Establishment, Maintenance, and Operation of the National Ill Systemen_US
Appears in Collections:Research Plans