標題: 以近紅外光拓撲造影技術進行功能性/結構性前額葉影像研究
The Investigation of Prefrontal Cortex Functional/Structural Imaging Based on Near-Infrared Optical Topography
作者: 孫家偉
Sun Chia-Wei
公開日期: 2014
摘要: 本計畫目標在於開發時域式近紅外光擴散光學造影技術,用以針對精神及神經疾 病之大腦結構性及功能性影像量測。基於以往的研究成果,我們已於國際間首次 提出利用近紅外光進行大腦體積造影,並且於三維時域蒙地卡羅模擬中驗證該法 在阿茲海默患者診斷之可能性。同時,系統也將提供功能性腦造影,並且藉由多 種統計測試法找出影像特徵,在初步研究成果中,我們已利用雙樣本K﹣S 測試 法成功找出精神分裂症患者之前額葉區在接受VFT 刺激時含氧血紅素活化之光 拓撲影像的六個特徵通道,並將藉此分析提升臨床診斷之正確性。本計畫將沿續 以往研究成果,開發臨床用時域多點式擴散光學造影系統,針對大腦疾病進行結 構性及功能腦造影,期能在未來提供失智症/精神分裂症之殘障鑑定分級評估之 有效工具。
The goal of proposal is to develop a time-domain near-infrared diffuse optical imaging system for Alzheimer’s disease and schizophrenia evaluation with structural/functional imaging. Based on our previous results, we proposed a novel brain volumetric imaging (BVI) technique by using 3-D Monte Carlo simulation for feasibility validation. The results shows BVI can be a good tool for Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis. On the other hand, our findings of functional optical topography suggest that the left PFC can be a biomarker for discriminant analysis of schizophrenic diagnosis. The optical imaging offers a good potential tool for schizophrenia diagnosis with completely patient-oriented measurement.
官方說明文件#: NSC101-2628-E009-026-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/97383