標題: 探討幽門螺旋桿菌熱緊迫蛋白60在單核球及胃癌細胞的生物功能機制
To Investigate the Bio-Function of H. Pylori- Derived Heat Shock Protein 60 on Monocytic Cell and Gastic Cancer Cell
作者: 廖光文
Liao Kuang-Wen
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 研前點探造傳傳受抑題如探如們類造研類節研反訊前如、傳抑造抑探們類反如造們前訊
增緊們造如60 (HpHSP60)如受提訊 造造們造如抑受研造們激訊IL-10反
TGF-β、受受抑題緊傳質探前如T造們(實inducibal regulatory T cells, iTregs)增如前
如訊、受如HpHSP60 訊探前受們類點造們反migration 受反如造們反
60如抑質探提訊 造造們造如傳前反點研反抑研抑受反點研、如反受緊反點研研反質
研如如們傳反如們如前研、(1) 探訊緊傳iTreg造們反探反前如受體反受前造如前傳
反反提訊們傳增反質探、 (2)研受研前點探造傳傳HSP60反反如抑受激反類提
訊 造造們造如傳前前如激訊反抑研抑受研激訊 (3)探訊研前點探造傳傳HSP60反
Helicobacter pylori have continued infection in the human stomach. It has been
confirmed that H. pylori can damage human gastric epithelial cells, cause oncogenesis
and suppress host’s immunity. In our previous studies, we found that H. pyori heat
shock protein 60 (HpHSP60) could induce macrophage to increase the high expression
of IL-10, TGF-β. Furthermore, HpHsp60 could induce the generation of regulatory T
cells (Treg cells). In addition, HpHsp60 also enhanced the abilities for migration of
tumor cell and angiogenesis. These indicate that HpHSP60 play an important role in
chronic infection of H. pylori and deterioration of H. pylori-induced gastric cancer. In
this project we will investigate how HpHSP60 regulate monocytes to produce
inflammatory and immunosuppressive cytokines, and the mechanism of how these two
kinds of cytokine influence each other. On the other hand, we will explore the
mechanism of how HpHSP60 promote gastric cancer cells in the molecular level.
The main purposes of this project are: (1) to explore the specific receptor for the
induction of iTreg cells and its downstream signaling pathway. (2) to study how
HpHSP60 stimulate human monocytes to produce inflammatory cytokine and
immunosuppressive cytokine. (3) to investigate the molecular mechanism of metastasis
of gastric cancer caused by HpHSP60. We hope the research can provide useful
information for the therapy of Helicobacter pylori-related diseases.
官方說明文件#: NSC101-2320-B009-004
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/98172