標題: 行動合作網通之無線訊號與訊息處理技術研究-子計畫三:合作式通訊網路之協同綠能編碼技術研究與設計
Synergetic Green Codings for Cooperative Communication Network
作者: 陳紹基
關鍵字: 實體層;綠能電子;合作式網路;取樣理論;類比數位轉換器;訊號編碼;通道編碼;網路
編碼;快速傅立葉轉換;多輸出入系統;中繼站;站台辨識;LTE/LTE-A 系統;802;16m 系統;PHY;Green Electronics;Cooperative network;Sampling Theory;ADC;Signal Coding;Channel
Coding;Network coding;FFT;MIMO;Relay;Station Identification;LTE/LTE-A Standard;802;16m Standard
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 合作式通訊為未來無線通訊技術之趨勢,透由無線通訊裝置彼此間之合作進行資訊的互相協助傳
“碼”,而其操作與處理均可視為 “編碼”,因此本計畫的目標在於達成優化合作式、具有綠能概念之無
畫原來為去年申請三年計畫但僅獲核准一年,今年度進行約6 個月已經達成諸多初步成果,本申請計
第一年(明年,101 年)主要研究議題有: (i) 進階取樣理論與技術之研究。近十年來有一些突破性新取樣
理論與技術之進展,其可以較低於傳統理論之Nyquist 取樣率之取樣率取得完整訊號資訊,因此或可
耗的效果; (ii) 高效能之通道編解碼法及合作式通道解碼演算法設計,明年(第一年)將設計出高效能且
低耗能之基因輔助LDPC 解碼演算法及合作式LDPC 與Turbo; (iii) 進行較新、非2 多次方之完整點數
及不規則、非完整點數的FFT/IFFT 之低耗能演算法設計。FFT/IFFT 為傳輸編碼“transmission coding”
運算中之一主要運算,這些較新的計算出現於一些通訊系統,如LTE, LTE-A, IEEE 802.16m, DVB-T2,
並涵蓋OFDM/OFDMA與 SC-FDMA傳輸方式均需用到; 目前正研究各標準之FFT 規格包含不同FFT
點數及不完整點數FFT(適用於FDMA 或OFDMA 系統),明年第一年將完成一個高效能、低耗能、高
彈性的FFT 處理器架構;(iv) 低耗能之合作通訊站台辨識演算法設計; 目前正研究低耗能之辨識演算
法,明年第一年將進一步研究新的LTE 系統PSS 及SSS 碼;其可較標準系統具更低之耗能,但效果
至少不輸於現有之辨識碼; (v)低耗能之多資料源與中繼站之網路編碼設計,目標在於提升整體系統傳
輸效能且盡可能降低耗能; 目前已有一初步多sources 與destinations 的網路編碼方法,雖然效能不
差,但仍有諸多問題要克服;(vi) 優化天線及中繼台耗能之分配; 目前我們針對等距多中繼台架構已
有初步成果,明年第一年將針對一般非等距之中繼hop 網路作優化研究(vii) 研究LTE-A 及802.16m
第二年(102 年)主要工作有: (i) 將延續第一年之初步研究成果進行更高效能之技術開發設計; (ii)依
據新的取樣技巧,進行第一年編碼運算法之協同、修改、優化設計,例如通道編碼設計、FFT 運算; (iii)
以LTE/LTE-A,或802.16m 通訊標準為應用載具進行演算法之C 語言或、及DSP 實現設計,並與其
Cooperative communication has been becoming the future mainstream communication technology since
recent years. Via cooperation, wireless mobile devices can collaborate such that performance of overall network
can be greatly improved. Due to collaboration, various research and design issues are incurred. Among
those issues, energy consumption is particularly important, as the global awareness on environmental protection
receives significant attention worldwide. As a result, green electronics is a necessary foundation for future
environment-aware telecommunication technologies. In response to this issue, this project is aimed to
investigate and develop low energy-consuming PHY signal processing algorithms for cooperative network.
Different from conventional approaches that only consider low-power design of a single function module in
the entire baseband transceiver, this project will consider the synergetic low-energy designs of “inter” cooperative
wireless stations and “intra” composing function modules within a station. Conceptually, we also treat
various signal forms simply as “codes”, and all sorts of operations and manipulations on the codes are simply
“coding operations”. The concept and vision, in an abstract form, is suggested in the project title which also
summarizes the main theme of the project.
With the vision in mind, in addition to investigating “green” coding algorithms for cooperative inter-
station operations, this project will also investigate synergetic green coding algorithms for intra-station
baseband operations. The project spans for two years. In the first year, the main research issues are: (i) Develop
new low-power sampling techniques and their associated signal processing techniques. There were
some breakthroughs in sampling techniques in the recent ten years, which can sample signals with
sub-Nyquist rate. That means system complexity (and therefore the energy consumption) can possibly be reducel.
(ii) Design of high-performance cooperative channel coding methods which can achieve higher performances
than the state-of-art coding methods (such as LDPC and turbo codes), but with lower energy consumption.
Particularly, we will combine the best of both LDPC and turbo codes, and also apply genetic algorithm
to LDPC decoding. (iii) Design new low energy-consuming FFT algorithms for various new DFT operations
with non-power-of-2 DFT sizes and/or partial (and random) inputs. Those DFT operations are commonly
seen in many advanced systems such as LTE, LTE-A, IEEE 802.16m, DVB-T2 system, and in both
OFDM/OFDMA and SC-FDMA transmission modes. We will then also design low-power, flexible FFT architecture
for all these heterogeneous FFT operations. (iv) Development of green station identification algorithm
and codes. We will design new LTE PSS and SSS codes which have much lower power consumption,
but with comparable performances to the standard codes. (v) Design new network coding algorithms for multi
cooperative mobile and relay station with low energy consumption and high network capacity. (vi) Power
optimization of cooperative antenna and relay stations. We will optimize power-capacity tradeoff for general
unequally-spaced multi-hop relay network. (vii) Study and design of LTE-A and 802.16m PHY functions and
associated signal processing algorithms.
In the 2nd year, the main tasks include: (i) continuing and improving the first year researches; (ii) based on
the first investigation on new advanced sampling techniques, new energy-aware sampling techniques, adaptive
low-power ADC sampling method and the associated transmitter data recoding algorithms will be proposed;
(iii) considering the new sampling methods, conduct cooperative and synergetic design of the first
year research results for low-power consideration; (iv) based on LTE/LTE-A, or 802.16m system, realizing
the developed techniques with C language and/or DSP platform, and conduct C/DSP integration design with
other subprojects for final demonstration.
官方說明文件#: NSC101-2219-E009-020
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/98191