Title: | 地形劇烈變化河道之沖蝕特性及其對河道穩定性的影響及治理策略-總計畫暨子計畫:地形劇烈變化軟弱岩質河道之沖蝕行為探討(I) Erosion Behavior of Weak Rocks at the Rivel Channel with Drastic Variation of Longitudinal Channel Profile |
Authors: | 廖志中 LIAO JYH-JONG 國立交通大學土木工程學系(所) |
Keywords: | 軟岩質河床;遷急點上溯;軟岩河床沖蝕試驗;固床工破壞機制;weak rock river-bed;knick point migration;laboratory erosion test for river bed rock;failure mechanism of counter measures |
Issue Date: | 2012 |
Abstract: | 台灣西部河川之中下游多流經軟弱年輕地質區,該河川區域在受到自然環境變化的
究團隊自2008 年以來陸續執行軟岩相關研究計畫,並已提出適用於河道坡度變化較少
(3)由現地固床工調查、觀測之結果探討固床工破壞原因及建立固床工破壞機制。 The middle/down stream of most rivers in west Taiwan flows through young geological areas, which are composed of weak sedimentary rocks. Due to the uplift of the 1999 seismic fault, the scour of weirs, or the abandoned hole of sand mining, knick points are easily found in the river channels of the rivers. The knick point migration is drastic, which may cause the river channel deeply and narrowly and induce the instability of bridges or weirs across the channel. The erosion behavior of weak rock river-bed has been investigated by this research group for four years. Study on the erosion behavior of weak rocks river-bed in the channel with drastic variation of longitudinal profile will be conducted in the following three years. This project belongs to the integrated project of “Erosion behavior of rock river-bed in the channel with drastic variation of longitudinal profile and its effects on the stability of river channel, and suggestion of counter measures for mitigating the erosion” The major purposes of this project include (1) propose the processes of knick point migration and the migration rate model (2) study the erosion behavior of weak rocks with laminar turbidity flow and the processes of scour hole formation under turbidity jet in laboratory (3) investigate the failure mechanism of counter measures for weal rock river-bed.. |
Gov't Doc #: | NSC101-2625-M009-009 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/98194 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=2578972&docId=388028 |
Appears in Collections: | Research Plans |