Title: | 智慧型無線感測監控系統平臺建構與其在土木結構診斷應用之研究-子計畫:無線感測於微動量測之應用及系統識別技術開發(I) Aplication of a Wireless Monitoring System to Ambient Vibration Measurements and Developement of an Advanced System Identification Technique |
Authors: | 黃炯憲 HUANG CHIUNG-SHIANN 國立交通大學土木工程學系(所) |
Keywords: | 無線監測系統;無線微動量測;連續小波轉換;穩態小波包轉換;ARV 模式;次空間法;Wireless monitoring;wireless ambient vibration measurement;continuous wavelet transform;stationary wavelet packet transform;ARV model;subspace approach |
Issue Date: | 2012 |
Abstract: | 無線監測系統為目前監測系統之發展主流之一。無線監測系統優於傳統有線監測系
振之SPC-51)為無線量測系統,並且發展一套在小波域配合ARV 模式之系統識別法;第
物之破壞樓層。將於國家地震工程研究中心進行四組8 層樓鋼構架之振動台試驗;其中
量測之效應◦ Wireless monitoring becomes an attracting research theme in recent years as a promising technology that could greatly impact the field of structural monitoring and infrastructure asset management. A wireless monitoring system is usually superior to a traditional monitoring system that has cables connecting its sensors and data acquisition system when the cost and labor on setting up a monitoring system are concerned. The main purpose of the whole project consisting of several subprojects is to develop a wireless monitoring system specializing in applications of civil engineering. This subproject is a three-project. In the first year, a traditional ambient vibration measuring system (SPC-51) will be modified so that it can be operated wirelessly. Furthermore, an efficient identification approach will be proposed for processing ambient vibration responses by combining the continuous wavelet transform or stationary wavelet packet transform with ARV model. In the second year, in-situ ambient vibration tests will be carried out for the new constructed building of Taiwan Photon Source in National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center and the Kao Ping Hsi cable-stayed bridge. The identification approach proposed in the first year will be applied to process those ambient vibration responses to identify the dynamic characteristics of the structures. In the third year, the wireless monitoring system proposed in the group of projects will be applied to monitor the responses of structures in shaking table tests. Four eight-story steel frames will be constructed for shaking table tests conducted in the National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering. Two of them are symmetric frames and the others are non-symmetric frames. The columns at some stories will be sliced to reduce the corresponding story stiffness. Linear and nonlinear tests will be conducted for each frame. A new approach combining the wavelet transform with a subspace technique will be developed to process these dynamic responses to locate the damaged stories. Notably, numerically simulated responses will be processed first to confirm the validity and demonstrate the applicability of the proposed methods. Besides, the effects of noise and incomplete measurement on the efficiency of the proposed methods will be also investigated. |
Gov't Doc #: | NSC101-2625-M009-007 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/98233 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=2589527&docId=391094 |
Appears in Collections: | Research Plans |