DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorNI KUEI-JUNGen_US
dc.description.abstract1992 年生物多樣性公約(CBD)制訂後,許多生物遺傳資源擁有國即制定法規對 國內遺傳資源之使用管理加以規範。獲取和惠益分享 (ABS) 機制之主要目的,乃在避 免外國使用者進行生物剽竊或不法取得遺傳資源;然而不論是藉國內法管制遺傳資源 使用,甚或利用契約要求利益分享皆顯露不足之處,特別在境外利用資源的行為,因 內國管轄權的限制而難以控管。故在2002 年的全球永續發展高峰會中,即要求建立能 促進並保障ABS 的國際制度,並在2010 年10 月29 日於名古屋舉行之CBD 第十次締 約國大會中,通過「名古屋ABS 議定書」做為國際制度。 延續本人先前國科會計畫之 CBD 架構下各國ABS 的法規研究,此三年期計畫將 進一步探討新通過ABS 議定書的建構和發展。第一年計畫,將以探討名古屋議定書之 規範內容、強度及其限制為研究核心;在第二年計畫中,鑒於ABS 議定書屆時應已生 效,故著重檢視ABS 議定書施行後,其細部制度的建置,如遵約、監督機制等;第三 年的研究,則將藉各國立法實踐和規約承諾履行的檢驗,聚焦於ABS 議定書執行層面 之分析。 縱使我國並非 CBD 之締約國,但我國豐富的自然資源仍使我國不可避免的與新通 過之ABS 議定書發生連繫。鑒於依循此國際規範符合我國的利益,因此本研究的成果 將有助於建立我國理想的ABS 法制,進而促使遺傳資源提供者和使用者建立雙贏的夥 伴關係。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractSince the adoption of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in 1992, many countries that own rich genetic resources (GR) have enacted laws and regulations for resources access and management to implement the access and benefit-sharing (ABS) provisions of the CBD. The ABS mandate is literally designed to prevent foreign users from committing bio-piracy and misappropriation of GR. The national access law and/or contract arrangement of benefit-sharing alone seem insufficient to address the situation where foreign users’ activities are beyond the jurisdiction of GR provider countries. Upon the request of the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) held in Johannesburg in September 2002, action to negotiate and elaborate an international regime to promote and safeguard ABS was initiated within the framework of the CBD. After intense debate and negotiations for many years, parties agreed to formulate a binding instrument in the form of a protocol as international regime. Finally, a Protocol on ABS was adopted at COP-10 in Nagoya, Japan, in 29 October 2010. Following previous NSC projects that had studied national practices of ABS, this three-year proposed project is of a continuing research which aims to examine and analyze the construction and developments of the newly formulated protocol. The first year (Aug. 2011~ July 2012) of the project tends to review the content and legal implications of the Nagoya Protocol with a view to revealing the strength, relevance and limits of such international instrument. During the second year (Aug. 2012~July 2013), while the protocol would be expected to come into effectiveness, the items to be examined mainly include subsequent construction and elaboration of more detailed mechanisms under the protocol, such as monitor, compliance etc.. The third year (Aug. 2013~July 2014) will focus the study of implementation of the protocol by reviewing national practices and exploring how compliance mechanism of the protocol functions. The wealth of our country’s natural resources guarantees an inseparable linkage with the developments of the ABS Protocol, irrespective of Taiwan’s not being permitted to accede to the CBD in the present. Complying with the protocol arguably would serve Taiwan’s national interest. The outcome of the research may assist our country to formulate an optimal ABS law that is able to establish a win-win partnership between GR providers and users.en_US
dc.titleStudy on the Construction and Developments of the Nagoya Protocol on Absen_US