標題: RFID追蹤技術應用於空間配置模擬及最佳化
Application of Rfid Tracking Technique on Building Space Layout Simulation and Optimization
作者: 曾仁杰
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 隨著土地日益減少,越來越多建築透過整建重新調整現有建物空間使用方式,以提高空間利 用之效率。不同使用行為其最佳之空間配置有所不同,蒐集並分析使用行為數據或模擬行為人之 使用方式有助於空間配置之改善及最佳化。 在建物整建相關研究文獻中,多數研究著重於如何維持建築物之維護管理預算之編列及建築 結構之缺失分析,甚少研究探討原始建物空間配置改善,提昇建築物之服務機能與績效。依據教 學館舍空間規劃及使用行為特徵資料 (例如步行距離、空間單元使用關聯、平均進駐人數),在 教學館舍規劃條件下(例如減少學生上下課步行距離、減少學生上下課動線對教師研究室之干 擾、減少學生課程間轉換教室之次數)最適宜的空間配置為何,如何提升建物空間使用效率是本 研究欲探討的問題。 本研究以教學館舍內部機能單元為例,蒐集建物管理者空間整建計畫及行為人空間使用行為 特徵,建立教學館舍空間使用行為模型,並使用無線射頻辨識技術(Radio Frequency Identification, RFID)實際取得行為人空間使用資料,求解教學館舍空間使用行為模式之最佳配置方案。除此之 外,研究將擬發展模擬工具驗證此模式之最適配置,另外也配合視覺化技術展現多屬性空間行為 統計資料及建物更新配置成果,以供未來有效地評估公有建築實體空間配置之使用效益。
More and more owners attempt to improve the use efficiency of buildings by remodeling the buildings. Different use behaviors require different space layouts to maximize the use efficiency, which can be achieved by collecting and analyzing the usage data, or simulating the usage behavior. Most related research focuses on the optimization of budget allocation for building maintenance and deficiency of building structure. Very little research addresses the issue of improving the building service efficiency and performance by changing the space layout. This research attempts to address the issues related to the optimization of space layout based on the usage behaviors (e.g., average daily walking distance, the correlation between space units, average staying number of residents) and the remodeling objectives (e.g., reducing the total walking distance of students, reducing the interference from students’ movements between classes to the faculty offices, and reducing the classroom turnover times of students). Teaching buildings in a university is the mail subject of this research. We will study remodeling cases and characteristics of their usage behaviors. The RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technique will be used to track the actual movement of students, faculty, and staff. We will also develop the optimization model for space layout based on the collected usage data, and represents the usage in the optimized layout through visualized simulation, which is also useful for evaluating the use efficiency of public buildings.
官方說明文件#: NSC99-2221-E009-133-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/98293
Appears in Collections:Research Plans