標題: 在4G寬頻行動系統環境下,以智慧型裝置為平台之行動擴增實境技術和應用之探討-子計畫四:基於4G BMS環境以及智慧型裝置,探討行動擴增實境於協同式都市設計之應用
Application of Smart-Device-Based Mobile Augmented Reality for Collaborative Urban Design
作者: 許倍銜
Hsu Pei-Hsien
關鍵字: 行動擴增實境;智慧型裝置;多人擴增實境系統;都市設計;電腦輔助設計;電腦輔助協同 式工作(CSCW);mobile augmented reality;smart device;multi-user augmented reality;urban design;computer-aided design (CAD);computer-supported collaborative work (CSCW)
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 智慧型手持裝置與行動寬頻網路的進步,帶動相關的應用研究,而行動擴增實境的應用是其中重要的 一部分。基於4G BMS環境及智慧型裝置,都市設計的擴增實境模擬得以由室内模型轉移到真實的都 市空間,用以輔助協同式的都市設計。這樣的應用情境發揮4G BMS的特性,適合做為新一代行動擴 增實境的測試平台。本計晝的目標是「多人擴增實境輔助都市設計系統」之雛形開發,希望透過開發 的程序,整合相關的科技、測試行動擴增實境之實際應用性。其成果除了對都市設計以及電腦輔助設 計領域提出貢獻之外,預期也能夠對於行動擴增實境在其他領域的應用(例如擴增實境遊戲、數位文化 資產保存、或者城市行動導覽等)提出研究上之參考。 本計晝擬以兩年時間進行下列研究主題及項目: (I)第一年研究主題-多人擴增實境輔助都市設計系統之設計方案與使用情境模擬 •行動擴增實境的使用行為調查與協同式都市設計的需求分析。 •提出輔助協同式都市設計的擴增實境系統設計方案。 • 資訊内容的製作,包含2D與3D資訊物件。 • 整合軟硬體架構,建置設計模擬系統。 •設計模擬系統的使用評估。 (I)第二年研究主題-基於智慧型裝置的多人擴增實境系統整合與雛形設計 •評估系統模組整合方案 • 整合擴增實境應用程式、以及辨識與定位模組。 • 整合多人無線網路架構。 •整合擴增實境與虛擬實境,擴展為混合實境架構。 •系統雛形使用評估
With advances in technologies related to smart devices and broadband mobile wireless network, associated applied research has been highly valued. Based on such technologies, computer-supported simulations for urban design may move from a conventional model-based approach to simulative activities in actual urban spaces. This urban design application scenario takes advantages of such technologies and can therefore be treated as a test bed for the next generation mobile augmented reality. This project aims to create a design prototype of a multi-user mobile augmented reality system for collaborative urban design. Associated technologies will be integrated to support the creation of such a system, which will reflexively be used to evaluate the technologies. The outcome of this project will bring potential contributions to the fields of urban design and computer-aided design. In addition, it can also provide useful references to future research based on other application scenarios. This projects plans to deal with the following research tasks during a two-year term: (I) First-year research topic - design solution and system simulation for a multi-user AR system to support collaborative urban design • Analyses of activities and design requirements related to mobile augmented reality and collaborative urban design • Design proposals for a multi-user AR system to support collaborative urban design • Making of information contents, including 2D and 3D forms • Implementation of a simulative design system, which integrates AR-related hardware and software • Evaluations of the simulative design system (II) Second-year research topic - implementation of the multi-user AR system as a design prototype • Evaluations of options for system module integration • Integrations of the AR application and the position-tracking module • Integration of the AR system with the mobile wireless network that supports multi-user connections • Combination of the AR system with an extra VR system to create a mixed reality system • Evaluations of the design prototype
官方說明文件#: NSC101-2221-E009-048
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/98323
Appears in Collections:Research Plans