標題: 淨煤、捕碳與儲碳主軸專案計畫--小型CHP-SOFC系統測試平台之研究與發展及其在新材料及系統設計的應用( II )
Development of a Small-Scale CHP SOFC System Test Platform and Its Applications in New Material Development and System Design( I )
作者: 陳宗麟
Chen Tsung-Lin
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 在本三年研究計畫(2012-2014)中,我們將致力於研發兩項重要的能源系統,包括:1 kW 小型固態燃料電池-氣電共生系統(Solid Oxide Fuel Cell – Combined Heat & Power; SOFC-CHP)及氧傳輸膜-空氣分離器(Oxygen Transport Membrane – Air Separation Unit; OTM-ASU)。在小型SOFC-CHP 系統研發中,將利用2011 年研發與驗證的模擬軟體進行 次系統及系統模擬並制訂相關規格、SOFC 計算流体力學/應力模擬設計及實作單cell、進行 固態燃料電池與價格低廉的乙醇重組器新材料的開發、嘗試處理重組器產生的CO2、3×3 cm2 單電池長時測試、開始開發電池堆疊及封裝技術、開發適用SOFC 的高溫熱交換器。同時 亦將致力精進系統動態模擬工具。在OTM-ASU系統研發中,將進行下列工作: 合成具鈣 鈦礦結構之混合離子電子導體、以適當異價離子摻雜,進而提升晶體結構穩定性及氧離子 傳輸能力、針對微結構設計,分別製備厚膜式與薄膜式氧傳輸膜,藉單位時間單位面積產 氧量,評估微結構設計對元件製程及氧傳輸效率之影響。
In this proposed three-year project (2012-2014), we intend to develop two major important energy systems, which include 1 kW SOFC-CHP system (solid oxide fuel cell and combined heat & power) and OTM-ASU (oxygen transparent membrane – air separation unit). For the SOFC-CHP, it is further divided into several sub-groups. They include new materials development for SOFC, SOFC-CHP system dynamics simulation, SOFC CFD/stress simulation, and CHP components preparation and integration. We will employ those simulation tools developed and validated in 2011 through National Energy Project for conceptually designing the subsystems and SOFC-CHP system. We will develop some method to capture CO2 generated from a catalytic reformer before passing through the SOFC or alternatively through the reforming of combined CO2 and ethanol. In addition, several new materials such as perovskite, spinel and columbite structures suitable for reformer and SOFC will be synthesized and tested. Planar cell with size of 3x3 cm and 5x5 cm will be developed and tested for durability. For the OTM-ASU, we will develop some new materials such as M1M2(Co1-xFexO3) powder, porous OTM substrate forming technology and coating technology of thin/thick films. Finally, we will design and build an prototype oxygen separation unit.
官方說明文件#: NSC101-3113-P009-002
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/98422