標題: 應用奈米晶體增強太陽熱能系統之能量儲存
Enhancing Energy Storage of the Solar-Thermal System Using Nanocrystals
作者: 呂明璋
Ming-Chang Lu
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 太陽熱能熱發電系統可以將太陽光儲存為熱能使其供給無太陽光時之發電需求,故太
的有效熱容。在這個計畫中,我們將合成鋁鍺合金(鋁 69.7 %和鍺30.3 %)奈米粒
子 (熔點為424 C),並以此奈米粒子的潛熱來增加工作流體的有效熱容量。目前的太
陽能熱發電廠使用熔鹽作為工作流體,其比熱容量約為1.2 kJ/kg-K。通過加入約10 %
的鋁鍺合金奈米顆粒進入熔鹽,其比熱容可由1.21 kJ/kg-K 增加到約12 kJ/kg-K。此方
A solar-thermal power system which stores sunlight as the thermal energy and releases the
energy when sunlight is not available is a promising candidate for the renewable energy
resources. The current capacity of the energy storage of a solar-thermal power plant is
limited by the low specific heat capacity of the working fluid. This results in a huge size of
the storage tank and causes a severe problem for the application of the solar-thermal power
plant in countries with small land, e.g. Taiwan. Thermal storage by latent heat is superior to
sensible heat because the latent heat of fusion is superior to the sensible heating of solid
material. By embedding nanoparticles into the working fluid, the effective heat capacity of
the working fluid could be greatly enhanced by taking the advantage of the large latent heat
of fusion of the nanoparticles. In this project, the aluminum-germanium (Al 69.7 % and Ge
30.3 %) alloy nanoparticles with melting point of 424 C will be synthesized to harvest the
latent heat of fusion during the range of the operation temperature of the solar thermal-power
plant. The current solar-thermal power plants use the molten salt as the working fluid having
a typical specific heat capacity of ~ 1.2 kJ/kg-K. A 10 % loading of the
aluminum-germanium nano-particles into the molten salt could in principle increases the
specific heat of the solvent form ~ 1.21 kJ/kg-K to ~ 12 kJ/kg-K by using the latent heat of
the nanoparticles. Thus, the proposed method could effectively enhance the thermal storage
capacity of the current solar-thermal power plants and will have potential application in all
the solar-thermal systems in the world.
官方說明文件#: NSC101-2623-E009-001-ET
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/98427