DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorCHUANG MING-CHUENen_US
dc.description.abstract觸覺對人的重要性不言而喻,透過觸覺,人們得以深刻地感知生活周遭的事物, 並建立感官經驗。本研究擬以三年的計畫逐步探討人的觸覺感受、觸覺感知的動作 方式以、觸覺意象等、觸覺風格等,以建立觸覺的相關規範。研究最終目的在探討 觸覺是否能形成其特有的風格與特徵,以此建立觸覺的風格形式。 計畫第一年,以文獻調查、內容分析、問卷及訪談等質性的研究方法進行調查。 調查過程輔以錄影的方式記錄,結合口語分析,以獲得人們對於觸摸的動機感官特 性、表達方式、動作特徵及偏好性等資料。建立何謂好的觸摸條件,並了解人的偏 好的觸摸特性以及偏好差異等。計畫第二年延伸第一年之研究結果。透過織焦點小 組針對材質與形體的搭配進行挑選、設計與材質特徵型態分析,選出符合研究目標 之實驗樣本,及合適之意象量尺進行觸覺、視覺、視觸覺對於材質、形體、材質與 形體之間的SD 調查。收集受測者對於各項刺激的意象評估與感官描述數據,以進 行Profile 分析、描述統計分析、因子分析、回歸分析與多變量分析,以獲得受測 者的意象分佈、偏好類型、材質與形體之間的相關性與差異。由此建立完整的觸覺 表現形式與材質的意象空間。計畫第三年,整合一、二年的研究成果。由文獻調查 與專家分析等建立風格的屬性與特徵,結合感性工學的方法,調查人們對材質意象 與觸覺風格的認知調查。收集意象與風格的評估數據,以Profile 分析、因子分析、 多變量分析以及MDS 進行分析以建構觸覺意象、觸覺特徵與風格間的關係。最終建 構完整的材質意象與風格的相關性模式,以及風格形式與意象描繪特徵。 以上研究結果可建立完善的觸覺表現形式與感受意象系統,對於未來進行相關 觸覺研究,可做為參考的依據。對設計師而言,可協助設計師在進行產品開發時, 選用合適的材質與外形,以表現所要的觸覺感受與風格,增進產品特徵與特色之參 考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe feeling of touch is very important to human. Through touching, human can perceive anything surrounding them in daily life, and build the perceptual experience themselves. Therefore, how to improve the understanding the feeling of touch something is a critical but always neglected issue in the studies of product design and Kansei engineering. This three-years proposal to systematically ivestigate tactile perception, feeling and image. Literature reviews, content analysis, focus interview, questionnaire survey as well as a prorocol analysis will be conducted in the first year to understand why people like to touch some materials or texture, how people touch these materials, how they describe their feeling on touching these materials and what are their tacticle preferences. From such understanding, we’ll be able to build the concept of good tactile condition, people’s preference on feeling of touch and how these preferences different from each other. Based on the result of the first year’s research, the research plan for the second year will focus on the investigation on tactile image. We will select approriate testing samples for presenting various combination of materials and textural characteristics. With the set of properly decided image scales, a semanti differential survey will be conducted. By using analytic methods of kansei engineering, the image space of tactility will be constructed, while the relationchip between tactile characteristics and tactile image will be derived accordingly. For the third year, we’ll combine the research results from year one and two; the research will concentate on the study of tactile style by using kansei engineering approach. Through document research and expert’s analysis on the property of some well known styles, the characteristic and image profiles of these styles will be established. By comparing these with the tactile image profiles of stinuli, the relationship between tactile style and tactile image can be concluded. The above research results will be used to build a complete image and tactile style system. This system can be implemented as a reference for selecting appropriate materials shapes or textures for expressing desired tactile image and tactile style in the future. For designers, such reference can provide the rich ideas for deciding material and shape while desiging new product; hence, improves the quality to meet the specific requirement of tactile image and tactile style.en_US
dc.titleA Study on Tactile Image and Styleen_US


  1. 992221E009127MY3(第3年).PDF

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