DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorFang Wai-Chien_US
dc.description.abstract本計畫將整合腦機介面以及腦電波獨立通道成分析處理器,來構成一個不需手 動以及口說,只需依人腦的想法來控制的人機溝通介面。本計畫中的獨立通道成分 析處理器演算法不同以往的最大信息獨立通道成分分析,採用的是線上遞迴獨立通 道成分分析,此演算法的特性,比起先前的演算法,更具有資料處理的即時性,更 適合做晶片的方式來呈現,亦即本實驗室的專長。由於腦機介面的成功機會,主要 在於是否可得到不受肌肉電波影響以及外界環境干擾的腦電波,而獨立成分分析的 主要功能就在於將此類的干擾電波,獨立在與腦波分離的通道上,故經過獨立通道 成分分析資料處理,即可將乾淨解不受干擾的腦波傳輸到腦機介面處理器中,達到 更精確的判讀。而本計畫將與美國加州大學聖地牙哥分校神經計算研究所進行合 作,與其開發的腦波電話進行整合。由於我們採用的是處理晶片的呈現,可使人機 介面達到即時的應用,不需離線的運算。經由腦波電話程式的開發以及處理晶片的 結合,將可開發出超越現今的觸控界面,開啟意念控制的新世代。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn this project, an integration of brain-computer interface and independent component analysis (ICA) processor will be presented to come out a communication interface directly between human brain and computer without assistance of the hand and the mouth. The algorithm of the ICA processor in this project is online recursive ICA (ORICA), which is extremely different from the traditional algorithm: extended informax ICA. The characteristic of ORICA is that the data will be processed sample by sample without the sample collection in a time interval. So, this kind of algorithm is very appropriate to implement on a chip which is the special skill of our laboratory to accomplish the purpose processing the data on real time. The key point to promote the probability of success of brain-computer interface is the cleanliness of the feeble EEG signal, which can be easily contaminated by ocular artifacts (e.g. eye-blink artifact and eye-movement artifact) and muscle movement. ICA is used to separate artifact and muscle movement interference from pure brain activity signal. After processing of ICA, clean EEG signal will be transferred to brain-computer interface to reach more accurate communication between computer and human brain. In this project, we will have an intently cooperation with Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience of University of California, San Diego, which already has the technology of EEG telephone together. We will integrate the ICA processor and the EEG telephone together to come out a high accurate and real time EEG telephone. This kind of concept can be used to replacing the touch screen, the concept of an mind screen will be presented in this project finally.en_US
dc.titleMind Control Interface Integrated from Independent Component Analysis Processor and Brain-Computer Interfaceen_US