Title: 鉑奈米結構及其複合材料於高效染料敏化太陽能電池之應用
Platinum Nanostructures and Nanocomposite Counter Electrodes for Highly Efficient Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
Authors: 李陸玲
Li Lu-Lin
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 本研究計畫為一個三年期之研究計畫,主題為「鉑奈米結構及其複合材料於高效染料敏化太陽能電池之應用」,其目的在以低溫合成技巧製備高效能之自組裝鉑奈米結構薄膜以及鉑複合材料薄膜對電極結構,配合一維奈米結構光陽極的開發,製備高效能、低成本之剛性與軟性DSSC元件,並利用光譜與電化學分析技術進行檢測。本計畫由三個部分所組成:(一)「低溫製程之高效鉑奈米結構電極的製備」,其重點在於控制鉑奈米粒子形貌並導入自組裝薄膜技術利用分子間作用力製備高效之鉑奈米結構電極;(二)「新穎鉑複合材料之製備」,其重點在於Pt-Ru複合奈米結構以及石墨烯-鉑複合材料薄膜之製備,以提昇催化性能以及提高活性表面積;(三)「元件之製備及性質量測與探討」,將電交流阻抗分析技術進行對電極之電催化性能分析外,亦將針對組裝成之DSSC元件,進行光電轉換效率與電子轉移機制深入的研究與探討,DSSC的相關基礎研究同樣可藉由電交流阻抗分析來達成,可了解電池元件之界面電子轉移、電子-電洞再結合、電子半生期與擴散常數等性質,並探討材料結構在電池效率的影響,並希望能以此為基礎,進而製備出高效能之DSSC元件。
This three-year proposal contains three interconnected parts aims at development of novel counter electrode materials and device technology to produce highly efficient dye-sensitized solar cells. The first part of the proposal focuses on design and preparation of self-assembled Pt nanoparticulate monolayer on FTO substrate. We propose a simple two-step procedure to fabricate counter electrodes for DSSC applications, in particular for the flexible devices that facilitate a low-temperature process to cover Pt clusters on soft plastic TCO materials. The second part of the proposal puts effort on design and preparation of hybrid electrode materials including Pt-Ru alloy nanostructures and graphene-Pt hybrid electrode. In the third part of the proposal, we will fabricate DSSC devices using all relevant materials developed in this project and perform photovoltaic and kinetics characterizations to optimize the cell performance so as to help designing novel materials for DSSC. After understanding of the processes for interfacial electron transfer, back electron transfer, dye regeneration, leak reaction, and so on by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, we will be able to design more new materials and develop new technologies to boost up the performance for dye-sensitized solar cells.
Gov't Doc #: NSC101-2113-M239-001-MY2
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/98514
Appears in Collections:Research Plans