標題: 新穎膠態電解質之開發於染料敏化太陽能電池之應用(1/2)
Development of novel gel polymer electrolytes in dye-sensitized solar cells(1/2)
作者: 刁維光
關鍵字: 染料敏化太陽能電池;液態電解質;膠態電解質;DSSC;Liquid electrolytes;Gel electrolytes
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 我們提出為期兩年之產學合作計畫「新穎膠態電解質之開發於染料敏化太陽能電池之應用」,目的在開發新穎電解質材料並應用於染料敏化太陽能電池,期使電池元件效能達最佳化並延長元件壽命,進而達成其商業化的終極目標。本研發重點在改進傳統液態電解液易揮發及漏液等不利未來產品化之缺點,並開發出接近液態電解質光電轉化效率之熱穩定佳、長期穩定性高的膠態電解質,針對開發之膠態電解質應用於DSSC的元件效能最佳化與光電轉換效能進行各類量測,對其在電池效率的影響上做出結論,並希望能以此為基礎,進而設計出較現有電解質更為優越的材料,最後將此一技術及經驗,技術移轉於產學合作廠商,以達雙贏互惠之目標。
We propose an industry-university collaborative program of a two-year period for the development of novel gel polymer electrolytes in dye-sensitized solar cells for future commercialization. We design and synthesis the new gel polymer electrolytes to solve the problems of leakage and volatilization of liquid electrolytes and to minimize the loss of electrolytes for enhanced efficiency and durability of the devices. We propose the strategy to optimize the device performance and to perform time-resolved (transient photoelectric measurements) and frequency-domain (impedance spectroscopy) investigations for the novel systems proposed herein using the advanced techniques established in this laboratory. After understanding of the fundamental processes driving the operation of the devices, we will be able to design more new materials and develop new technologies to boost up the performance for the new-generation solar cells. Finally, execution of this project would gain required skill and experience for technology transfer to the company to achieve a win-win and mutually beneficial goal for further industry-university collaboration.
官方說明文件#: NSC101-2622-M009-001-CC1
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/98516