標題: 從思想史脈絡看晚明江右社集、宗教與地方社會
Study in the Context of Cultural History on Literary Society, Religious Trend and Local Society in Jiangxi Province of Late Ming Dynasty
作者: 張藝曦
關鍵字: 江右;文社;陽明學;陳際泰;艾南英
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 過去關於晚明文人社集的研究,多半把焦點集中在江浙一帶,以復社為中 心展開,但同時期江右一帶的社集另有其特色與發展,始終未得到足夠的重視。 本計劃案希望對江右社集作一深入的研究,從社集的成員、人際網絡,以 及與地方社會的關係,並放到整個晚明社集的脈絡下來看江右社集的定位與特 色。此外,江右社集除了習時文以考科舉外,還有什麼樣的文化事業,以及參 與在哪些地方事務上,也很值得注意;這部份跟江右陽明學派有交集之處。 同樣的,在晚明儒學宗教化趨勢的同時,也流行著一個充滿神鬼怪的世界 觀,相對於儒學缺乏死後世界或末日傳說,這類世界觀似乎對許多人更有吸引 力。江右社集中人既與陽明學頗有淵源,同時又分享著一個充滿神鬼怪傳說的 世界觀,也讓我們可更進一步研究儒學、社集與宗教思潮的關係。 最後,晚明清初有許多經世書籍問世,有些出自江右社集中人之手,正可 反映當地社集的一些動向。諸如賀貽孫、胡承諾等人的書籍,更在清中葉以後 發酵,受到當時人的重視。我們藉此可更多了解晚明江右社集的經世思維,以 及這類書籍在清中葉以後的復活與影響。
Most of researches on literary society focus on Fu society or its relevant things. Comparatively, the literary society in Jiangxi get less attention than it deserves. This plan tries to see how the literary society works, and its relationship with Jiangyou school of yangming learning. Firt of all, what literati of literary society in Jiangxi did in their local society, except practicing writing, is in our attention. We are interested with those literati who participating in cultural business of local society. What they did is overlapping with what yangming learning scholars did. And then, we will shift attention to the religious trend in late Ming dynasty. While some Neo-Confucianists tried to make Confucianism look more religious for cultivating ordinary poeple,literati of the literary society in Jiangxi did share a worldview with them. This phenomenon lead us to see the interaction between yangming learning scholars and literati of literary society in Jiangxi and their competence each other in cultivating or other business. Finally, we will put the light on some people, He Yi-sun 賀貽孫 for example, who is member of the literary society in Jiangxi and had some work of statecraft. To compare his work with other ones of this period and to trace its following effects on people of Mid-Ching will be meaningful.
官方說明文件#: NSC100-2628-H009-024-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/98546