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dc.contributor.authorChih-Chung Chungen_US
無論是統計法之經驗曲線或利用物理概念建立之河川泥砂濃度歷線推估架構,皆須有準確之河川泥砂濃度觀測資料以利於相關模式之建立、檢定與驗證,而自動化且即時之泥砂觀測數據更可做為颱洪期間下游土砂災害預警與水資源設施即時操作之參考。目前河川水文站之泥砂觀測多仰賴人工取樣,常缺乏高流量下之泥砂濃度資料,因此水利署於2006~2009年度曾辦理以時域反射法(Time Domain Reflectometry, TDR)方式進行自動化泥砂觀測之先期研究,以同時獲得即時性、自動化與節省作業人力等特性,後續並於2011~2012年持續針對現地應用所發現之實務問題進行改善與提昇量測精度與穩定度,並建置對應之「泥砂濃度量測平台」,以提供觀測資料之查詢及展示,但由目前實務觀測經驗發現,現場感測器避免雜物干擾與落淤等限制需要克服,此外對於提供河川橫斷面泥砂濃度量測規劃與驗證仍須進一步探討。
dc.description.abstractDue to the steep topography and week geology conditions of watershed areas in Taiwan, the amount of the suspended sediment yield is increasing during torrential rainfall events. The corresponding problem of high turbidity water is critical to the water resources, flood control engineering, river artificial constructions, and river ecology in downstream areas. Therefore, accessing the continuously temporal and spatial variation of suspended sediment concentration (SSC) in river is essential and urgent for the evaluation and management of the aforementioned issues. In the traditional way, the total amount of sediment in river is often estimated using the rating curve between sediment load and river flow discharge, which is based on the statistics of observed data. This approach cannot provide the continuous hydrograph of the sediment yield and delivery from watershed during the runoff, especially with the large variation of the rainfall and renovation in field. To solve the limitation, an appropriate model which consider the physical mechanism should be developed to reveal the real time SSC hyetograph or hydrograph in advance under different rainfall or other scenarios. Furthermore, this model should be calibrated and verified with the monitoring SSC data in field. However, the most existing SSC data were observed manually under low flow discharge circumstances, leading large uncertainty in high flow discharge conditions. 

A new suspended sediment concentration (SSC) measurement method based on Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) technique had been developed since 2006 with the support from Water Resource Agency (WRA). TDR SSC method is not affected by the soil particle size or type, and it is more economical, easy to be maintained, and applicable for high SSC monitoring. The measurement accuracy is updated to 1000 ppm after the field modifications in 2012, also a TDR SSC monitoring platform was established to provide the real time SSC data of demonstrated stations. But, some practical problems, such as interference of debris and sedimentation in the protection pipe, were still observed in the field monitoring program.

To effectively solve these problems, one of objectives of this study is to continue maintaining and improving the field construction method of the TDR SSC measurement, and investigate SSC variation in the cross section for further requirements of obtaining the discharge-representative average SSC. The other objective is to develop a feasible mode based on the physical mechanism to provide the continuous SSC hyetograph or hydrograph during the rainfall events. The TDR SSC field monitoring data and the SSC hyetograph modelling can be provided as references for getting management strategy of sediment yield from watershed and comprehensive improvement of the river basin. 
dc.subjectsuspended sediment concentrationen_US
dc.subjecttime domain reflectometry (TDR)en_US
dc.subjectsediment concentration hydrographen_US
dc.titleFull Runoff River Suspended Sediment Concentration Monitoring and Development of the Sediment Hydrograph Modellingen_US
Appears in Collections:Research Plans