Title: | 整合線外與線上品質管制方法建構製程回饋控制系統 Integrating Off-Line and On-Line Quality Control Methods to Construct a Feedback Control System |
Authors: | 唐麗英 TONG LEE-ING 國立交通大學工業工程與管理學系(所) |
Keywords: | 實驗設計;自組性演算法;統計製程管制;工程製程管制;回饋控制系統;生產機台;量測機台;混合灰預測模型;Stepwise regression;GMDH;SPC;EPC;feedback control system;production tool;metrology tool;hybrid grey forecasting model |
Issue Date: | 2012 |
Abstract: | 由於消費者對於產品品質的要求日趨嚴格,製造商也不斷改善產品品質,進而提升
產品之競爭力。製造商通常會使用線外品質管制(off-line quality control)方法如:實驗設
計(Design of Experiment, DOE)來最佳化製程,以提升產品品質;或使用線上品質管制
(on-line quality control)方法如:管制圖(Control chart)來找出造成製程失控之一些可歸屬
原因(assignable causes),以降低製程變異。此外,由於製程中也常存在一些無法避免的
此時可以應用工程製程管制(Engineering Process Control, EPC)方法來調整製程參數
值,以使製程之產出值能迅速修回目標值。目前一般工廠在應用EPC 時大多是由工程師
有些高科技工廠在應用EPC 時雖有導入國外資訊流自動化控制系統,然導入此系統不僅
中外文獻已指出整合SPC 與EPC 會比分別使用 SPC 或EPC 更能降低至成變異。因此,
本計畫之主要目的是針對生產機台與量測機台之製程數據,整合DOE、SPC 與EPC 方法,
模型(hybrid grey model),以便回饋控制系統能迅速準確地預測未來時間點之製程產出
第一年之工作是先利用實驗設計 (如:中心混成設計)及反應曲面(Response Surface
Method, RSM)方法找出製程參數水準之最佳組合,這些參數設定值即為回饋系統中製程
輸入變數之設定值。然後利用逐步邏輯斯迴歸分析(Stepwise Regression Analysis)將影響
產出值之顯著製程參數排序,再利用自組性演算法(Group Method of Data Handling,
偏離目標值,而啟動調整製程參數之機制,應用本計畫第一年所建構之GMDH 方程式
表 C011 共 3 頁 第 1 頁
力,也可避免人為調整製程參數之錯誤及有效降低製程變異,因此本計畫也具實用價值。 Because the demand for product quality from customers is more stringent than before, many manufacturers employ quality improvement or control tools to enhance their products’ quality. Design of experiments (DOE) is of utilized to improve the product quality. Statistical process control (SPC) is employed to reduce the process variability. Moreover, engineering process control (EPC) is implemented to adjust the process input, so that the process output can be revised quickly to the target value while the production process is continuously run. Many studies recommended that integrated SPC-EPC has better performance in controlling process variation than just employing SPC or EPC alone. Therefore, the main objective of this project is to construct a feedback control system between the production and metrology tools using integrated SPC-EPC with a hybrid grey forecasting model developed by this project. This three-year project is divided into three phases. In the first year, DOE is utilized to determine the optimal parameter settings. Stepwise regression is also employed to rank the significance of input variables. The significant input variables are then utilized to construct a prediction model for the output using the Group Method of Data Handling (GMDH). The GMDH model is built in the feedback system. In the second year, this study reviews existing forecasting model and develops a hybrid grey forecasting model and this model is built in the feedback control system to forecast the future process output values. If one sample point falls beyond the adjustment threshold but within the control limits, the feedback system will be automatically directed to adjust the value of the most significant input variable. If the most significant input variable is already reached its upper or lower limits and can no longer be adjusted, the feedback system will adjust the value of the next significant input variable, so that the output value of the next run can reach the target value. In the third year, this study uses a real case from a Taiwanese semiconductor manufacturer and the simulated data to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. The results of this project have academic contribution as well as practical use for manufacturers. |
Gov't Doc #: | NSC100-2221-E009-060-MY3 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/98616 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=2381096&docId=377514 |
Appears in Collections: | Research Plans |