Title: 公司治理和公司的脆弱性:市場下跌流動性風險與下方風險的分析
Corporate Governance and Firm Fragility: the Analysis of Market Decline Liquidity Risk and Downside Risk
Authors: 鍾惠民
Keywords: 市場下跌流動性風險;下方風險;公司治理;企業責任關係;飛向高品質;體
系性風險;Market decline liquidity risk;Downside risk;Corporate Governance;Stakeholder
relation;Flight to quality;Systemic risk
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: (Project 1): Cross-sectional analysis of market decline illiquidity: A study of corporate
governance effect
否存在流動性供給不足問題(supply effect),接著驗證是否較好的公司治理機制能否能降
下跌期間投資人因損失易產生資金限制(funding constraint),進而導致市場流動性提供不
轉而買進,進而形成flight to quality 現象。最後也分析公司治理因子在體系性風險
(systemic risk, CoVaR)的解釋效果。
(Project 2): Corporate governance and the market decline liquidity risk: Evidence from
International stock markets and ADR Markets
(Cross-country level)以及此關係是否會隨著時間改變而變動(Time-series level)。此外更進
稱成本並降低市場的net selling pressure。將更進一步探討次級房貸期間美國政府採取注
入資金進入市場的措施是否能解除市場資金流動性不足問題,進而降低net selling
pressure 與資訊不對稱成本。
(Project 3): Managerial entrenchment, stakeholders’ relation, and variability of
corporate performance
流動性風險與股票下方風險以及企業績效變異程度。本計劃將驗證是否當企業CEO 擁
針對兩個重要事件期間SOX 法案以及次級房貸。SOX 法案通過為企業轉變為較嚴格之
治理架構,因此探討此制度通過是否能有效降低CEO 權利對企業績效變異之影響。而
次級房貸期間金融體系及信貸市場面臨嚴重損害,在此情況下是否會影響CEO 調整對
Recent research shows that shocks on equity illiquidity tend to be higher when market
decline. This research project aims to explore the effects of corporate governance on the
commonality of liquidity and the sensitivity of liquidity risk due to market decline (market
decline liquidity risk) which are well documented in the study of Hameed, Kang and
Viswanathan (2010) and is highly extended in many studies. Recent empirical and theoretical
studies have demonstrated the significant effect that market declines cause asset illiquidity. In
collateral-based models, market makers make market by absorbing temporary liquidity shocks,
but they face funding constraints and obtain financing by posting margins and pledging the
securities they hold as collateral. As noted by, for example, Brunnermeier and Pedersen
(2009), when stock prices decline considerably, financial intermediaries face funding
constraints and are forced to liquidate. We posit that since market makers hold securities of
firms with poor governance might suffer from higher information asymmetric costs, they tend
to liquidate stocks with poor corporate governance in market decline periods. Furthermore,
Admati and Pfleiderer (2009) and Edmans (2009) demonstrate that the act of selling one’s
shares can act as a governance mechanism in itself. This creates a stronger market decline
illiquidity effect of poor corporate governance firms.
In addition, these firms are less likely to be subject to higher market-wide liquidity shock
because more firm specific information permit investors to differentiate between stocks.
Extending previous literatures, this research project will examine that whether a better
corporate governance mechanism could reduce uncertainty and has the potential to reduce the
tendency to withdraw liquidity shock during market decline period.
In the first year, we explore whether a better corporate governance mechanism could
help explain the difference in liquidity level between stocks and have less sensitively to
market downturns risk in the market decline period. During large market decline period,
investor incurs huge loss and funding constraint to lead to liquidity provision problem. We
thus investigate whether a better corporate governance firm could attract investor outflow
from a poor governance firm in the market decline period, indicating flight to quality/safety.
In the second year, we firstly focus on the international stock market and examine how
and why investor protection affects liquidity in the domestic and U.S. market decline period
among stocks within a country differs across countries and varies over time by investigating
time-series measures of liquidity variables based on each country stock market. In addition,
we also aim to investigate whether a better investor protection country could have less
sensitive to market downturns risk for huge domestic and U.S. market decline.
Using American depository receipt (ADR) data on various countries, we explore whether
a better investor protection could reduce adverse selection information cost and net selling
pressure under stressful market condition. We then go on to explore how the U.S. government
funding injection actions affect equity liquidity and investor trading behavior. If the bailout
policy of the US Treasury could resolve funding constraint problem and restore the confidence
of investors in the financial system, these actions could reduce nest selling pressures and
asymmetry information cost, indicating improving equity liquidity during the sub-prime crisis
In the third year, we investigate how the managerial entrenchment and non-shareholding
stakeholder interests affect downside risk and overall risk of firms. We explore whether a
better stakeholder relation and less managerial entrenchment could reduce variability of firm
performance and down side risk. We explore the complement and substitute effects of
shareholder value corporate governance and stakeholder management on downside risk of
firms. The analysis will use stocks of financial institutions as a sub-sample to test the above
hypothesis. We further focus on the effects of SOX legislation and subprime crisis. We
examine whether SOX legislation could help to reduce power of CEO. In the subprime crisis
period, financial system and credit market experience a huge damage, and thus in this period
whether CEO could adjust firm resources distribution and affect non-shareholding stakeholder
relation, thereby influence the variability of corporate performance and downside risk.
Gov't Doc #: NSC101-2410-H009-015-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/98831
Appears in Collections:Research Plans